𝕒 𝕧𝕝𝕠𝕘 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕪𝕒! ★

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(I got a font!! anyway im trying a new writing stylle sorry for not updating :(  )


𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕦 𝕡𝕠𝕧:


'Hey Usagi? someone left their phone here!! What do I do??' I yelled. Kuina, Chishiya, Heiya, me, Usagi and Ann were hanging out together but ig someone forgot their phone here. Usagi came sliding down the stairs and scooched over to me.


'Oh, whose is it?' She asked me. I open the phone and the lock screen was a picture of flowers. 'It could be Heiya's, Kuina's, Ann's or yours, I've seen Chishiya's lock screen already and it definitely doesn't look like this' I replied. 'It's not mine' Usagi shrugged. 'Oh well, could we take a sneak peek at their photos?' I suggested.


'Arisu!! We can't snoop into someone else's phone, they have privacy y'know!' She screamed and bonked me on the head. Bonk🏏. 'But then how are we gonna find out whose phone this is?' I whined. 'Ugh fine, your lucky I'm in a good mood today' she sighed.


The password was no biggie. Most of us have seen each other open our phones and we all have basic passwords like '00000' or '123456'. This person was obviously simple and chose '777777'. Basicccc.


I opened their gallery, and it turns out it was Heiya's phone. Because there were a million selfies of her in a park, her room, house, kitchen, with friends, aguni, in a wheelchair, a millllionnnn selfies. But what caught my eye was a 20 minute video, if your wondering why it caught my eye I'm the kind if person who doesn't have much storage and I always keep a lookout on big videos or big apps.


'Can we watch this video?' I pointed to the massive video. 'No Arisu! Did you use all your braincells on gaming?' She yelled. I shrugged but still found ourselves looking around her gallery. There wasn't anything inappropriate, just more photos of her outfits, sunsets and selfies.


When Usagi went to go clean her room, I sneakily yes, sneakily took a peek at the vid. It was just so temptingg!!


It was a beautiful park and a really sunny day, with Heiya trying to set up the right filters and camera settings. 'Hi guys! Welcome back to another vlog!! Today we're going to be spying on Arisu since he's kind of my crushie wushie'. She put her hands over her face as if she was blushing as my eyes widened in horror at the term 'crushie wushie' 🤢🤢🤮.


'Let's go!'   𝙲𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛

'Soo as you guys can see, he's taking a shower right now! I'm so lucky that his bathroom is on the lower floor hehe!' I almost dropped her phone in sheer terror. SHE WATCHES ME SHOWER??! NAH GIRL HAS CROSSED THE LINE. 'USAGI!! COME OVER HERE THIS FUCKING INSTANT! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!' Immediately Usagi burst through her bedroom door and tumbled down the stairs. 'what is it??!' She panted out of breath. 'Look' I whispered and shoved the phone in her face.


Istg her face turned green ash and she ran to the bathroom, dry heaving into the toilet. She's literally never seen me wihout a shirt on nor pants so the fact that one of her friends had seen her boyfriend naked disgusted her. End of explanation👍✨️.


She came back after a couple of minutes, much better but her face turned pale again. 'What?' I furrowed my eyebrows as she pointed behind me. I turned around and boy, Heiya was ducking behind a window and watching us. WATCHING US.


Idk how tf she did it but she climbed into our house by the window and ran to snatch her phone out of my grasp. 'I'M SO SORRY ARISU AND USAGI! THAT VIDEO WAS FROM LAST YEAR, A MONTH AFTER THE BORDERLANDS I WAS SUPER OBSESSED WITH YOU AND ON ACCIDENT I STARTED STALKING YOU AND'..........   Blah blah blah she was ranting. Usagi did the rock expression as I stared at her in disbelief. Yes, i totally trust her enough to know she didn't make the vid a few days ago and I forgave her.


We're still good friends to this day, it's just I can never see her the same way anymore🤢🤮.. I wonder if she was ever obsessed with anyone else before..

a/n yoyoyo srry this was super late, umm i needa sleep no joke um u rock girl or boy even tho 99.9% of my analytics are female😀 byeeee<333333

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