Jack of Hearts♥️ - Surprise♟️

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(Mentions of: blood & violence)
(Chishiya Pov)
I walked into the Jack of Hearts game, put on a collar and waited for the game to start. In the mean-time, another five people joined and I skimmed through the person I would use as a teammate since the rules were spoken. There was a young boy who looked nervous yet innocent and since this was a duo game - I'd use him.

After I befriended him we went over to the food shelves and I got to eat some bussin bussin biscuits. There were another five minutes so I told Ippei his suit and he told me mine. I walked into a cell and answered 'diamond'. I waited for the sounds of explosions but it was all quiet. This was gonna be a long game.

Ippei's been really quiet and I'm starting to suspect him. Another ten more minutes and I asked for my suit. 'Heart' he mumbled. Strange. He looks weirdly guilty and I don't think I can trust him anymore. I went to go find someone else even tho they probably would lie to me. Five more minutes. I walked up to Kotoko and asked 'am I a heart?' She nervously looked away and ran off. I guess Ippei lied.

I had to get in my cell and I thought about it for a while. I had a 50/50 chance because I was a club last round and Okī lied to me soo diamond or spade. Diamond♦️ or Spade♠️. Hmm. Twenty seconds left. Spade. It felt right but eh who knows. 'Spade'. I waited for my collar to explode at 0 seconds but nothing happened. I decided to wait in my cell to pretend I was dead to see the reactions of other players.

I heard explosions from other people's rooms and soft footsteps outside. I presumed it was Okī. He was trembling but also looked relieved. 'Haha I won! Finally!' I heard him yell. Damn. Two cell doors opened and from my door crack I could see it was Yaba and Banda that survived. Ippei's mouth dropped in horror and before he could run away I stepped out of my cell too.

'W-what?! Chishiya how are you-?' He shrieked when Yaba pulled out a pocket knife and started walking towards him. Banda followed and cornered him in one of the cells. I knew Okī was going to die, farewell. I heard the noises of blood splattering the walls and screaming from the room. 5 more minutes. I went to go stop them before they killed Ippei.

'Hey what's my suit' I asked Banda who stopped slashing his arm open and removed my hair to see the suit. 'Diamond' he smiled. I thanked him and left for my cell. 'Diamond' I called out and thankfully nothing happened. An explosion went off in another room and when I walked out of my cell, the door outside was open. Yaba and Banda came out as well with blood splattered on their clothes. I went to go look for Ippei and there he was, laying on the floor with blood gushing out from his neck. I sighed. He tried his best at least. I walked out the gates and stared at the Jack of Hearts flyer from above. I wonder what Kuina and the others are doing right now.

a/n tried to make it shorter😅pls tell me do u like the borderlands au or mordern au more? Or the beach idm 🏖️

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