Girls Day Out✨️🛍️

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(Modern AU❕️✨️)

(Kuina Pov)
I was so bored. Chishiya is boring, Last Boss is boring, EVERYONE IS BORING UGH!! I want to do smth. Ahh maybe I could call Ann! And Usagi! Maybe we could go shopping or gossip about something..

(Ann Pov)
I was cleaning my room when my phone started ringing. 'Hello?' 'Ann!! Wanna go out with me and Usagi?' 'Um sure ig' 'Yayy! Meet us at 1!' 'K bye' 'cya!!' I sighed. This is so much effort. I changed into some decent clothes and headed out.

(Usagi Pov)
I got a call from Kuina to meet-up at 1. I took a shower and told Arisu I'd be going out and left. It was a nice day out and I was hoping Kuina had planned something for us. I saw her talking to Ann and I walked over to them. 'Hii you ready?' Kuina smiled. 'Yea, let's go' I replied. 'Do you have anything planned?' Ann asks, damn two minds think alike. 'Yeah we could go shopping and gossip about people' she grins. We both give Kuina a thumbs up and head to the shopping centre.

(Kuina Pov)
This was so fun! So far we went to a bunch of cool shops and we gossiped about: Chishiya, Arisu, Last Boss, Niragi and Hatter! Yes we still remember everyone from the borderlands. I can't remember the last time I ever did something this fun! We went to a nail salon and met up with Heiya, who was also shopping with her friends.

'Hey guys, look at this new ring I bought!' Ann exclaims. 'Omg girlie that slayys and it looks so expensive!' Usagi giggles. I smiled at both of them. We went to a fancy restraunt and had super expensive dishes (which I paid for😉) and had a laugh. We went back to my house and had a sleepover, watched a bunch of movies and stayed up till 5am. 'Uh oh!' Usagi exclaims.

'What's wrong?' I ask. 'I forgot to tell Arisu I would be staying over'. She looks really worried. 'Nah chillout girl, he probably went to hangout with Karube and Chota or smth (yes they're alive in this). She still panicked tho, and called Arisu muttering a bunch of swear words and frantically rushing around to pack up. eep 'ARISU I'M SO SORRY I FORGOT TO TELL YOU I WOULD BE-' 'your mom' 'HAHEEHHAAE' hyena laughs☠️☠️ 'tf' I mumble. They hanged up on Usagi who looked traumitized. 'Guess he's hanging out with the boys' Ann shrugs.

(Arisu Pov)
'GUYS GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE UGHH!' I yelled. Karube and Chota took my phone and I think Usagi called me, damn I feel bad for her😞. 'HAEHHAA' Chota was laughing his as off while Tatta texted something to someone🙄.

(Ann Pov)
'Guys, want to go get some ice-cream together?' I suggested. Kuina immediately perked up and I saw Usagi smile and nod. We packed everything up and went for ice-cream🍦. I had chocolate, Usagi had strawberry and Kuina had vanilla. Best flavours frfr. We had a nice walk outside and talked about our interests. 'I'm gonna head home, who knows what Arisu is doing right now' Usagi giggled. 'Thanks Kuina' we both say and head back home.

(Kuina Pov)
Ahh that was nice.We should do that more often. I went back to my house, cleaned up and scrolled on my phone for a bit.Here was wayy better than the Borderlands. ❣️

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