Chapter 45: The Great Escape

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"You have a pardon," a guard commented.

"From who?" I asked, nervous as all hell.

"King Jacob himself."

"What does he want?" I asked.

"To free you."

"But we are to be stuck here for a while," Zaxl spoke hesitantly.

"Do you want to leave or not?" The guard asked, annoyed.

"You bet!" Jethro said excitedly.

"Do we repay the king somehow?" I asked curiously.

"We will arrest the shopkeeper for worshiping demons and no, just your being alive is enough."

"Good to know," Zaxl said.

"So what do we tell the other guard? I asked,

"I will tell him that your debt has been paid in full."

"Okay, good," I said excitedly.

"Good, now go before the king changes his mind."

We left immediately after.

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