Chapter 83: Root Rot's Vengeance

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"Sometimes, I wish you'd keep your damn mouth shut!" Zaxl hissed.

"I wish that too, Z," Jethro ruefully said.

"Enough talk, let's fight!" Root Rot barked.

"Fine!" Jethro roared back.

Jethro used his sword on Root Rot's trunk and he simply laughed.

"That tickles!" he laughed.

"Zaxl! Use your scythe!" I shouted.

Zaxl reached for it but Root Rot knocked it out of his hands with a massive branch into the bushes.

"Damn! That was my one scythe. It's made of olivarium, you know what that means?" Zaxl snarled.

"It could cut through as stone if you used it on one," he replied with a chuckle.

"I've had enough of this! Burn, baby, burn!" Jethro shouted and proceeded to cast Blazeburn all over Root Rot. He begged for mercy but Jethro didn't give a crap. He crackled and sizzled before splitting in half, dead.

The other ents were horrified by this and refused to talk to any of us.

"Can I at least have my scythe back?" Zaxl pleaded.

Birchley tossed him the scythe and it nearly sliced my bloody head off when it flew past me.

"Go, just go, leave us be," Oakley sighed in disappointment.

"Very well, thank you for the company, all of you," I choked back tears.

"All of you stay safe!" Oakley shouted.

"You too!" I exclaimed and walked deeper into the forest with Jethro, Zaxl, and me.

"You and I need to have a talk about your actions today, Jethro..." I shook my head and went even deeper into the Forest of Doom.

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