Chapter one: November 2014

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Kara is still searching herself to fit in, it's been 12 years since she landed on earth
She showed up to Noonan's getting her sugary fix before she writes her resume down

She begins to open up her laptop staring at the repeated introduction trying to come up with something tapping at the table with her fingertips while shoving her mouth with her third sticky bun

She looks up from her screen and she felt her heart beat skip a bit, a beautiful emerald green eyes staring at the menu from above, and next minute she knows the eyes met hers, and the lady smiles shyly
Kara smiles back with her mouth full forgetting to swallow the reminder of the sticky bun in the process

The beautiful woman approaches her after she gets her large tea, and asks to sit with Kara while the place is full
Kara swallows quickly and tells the beautiful woman to go ahead

Kara outstretched her hand and introduce herself and the beautiful women introduced herself as Lena with a smile that took Kara breath away

Lena proceeds to ask Kara what she's working on and points at her untyped document

"A resume I have to fill out, I just graduated from national city university"

Lena response

"Well you gotten very far" and let out a small laugh and smiled and asked Kara "do you need help with your resume?" Kara with a sigh of relief said "yes I would appreciate it"

Lena and Kara come up with her resume and they talked for what seemed like for hours, laughing and talking about everything under the sun

Lena mentioned she is looking for an apartment before she moves to National City
Kara gives her suggestion on the non rental controlled apartments downtown

Lena and Kara finally get ready to leave the restaurant together
They get to Lena's taxi, a shiny black car pulls up and Lena turns to look at Kara and asks Kara

"Kara we should trade numbers, so when I officially move to National City, we can go on a tour of the City"

Kara response

"Okay, sure" as Kara puts her number in Lena's phone

Kara waits for Lena's taxi to pull away, before remembering to breathe and her phone dings it's from Lena

"I had a nice time chatting with you, I hope we can catch up soon"
"I hope so too"

With that Kara walks back to her apartment with a silly grin on her face

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