Chapter 11: Lena gets Kara from DEO

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"Lena?! What are you..doing here?" Kara asks completely shocked

"I'm here to rescue you silly, Alex sent me to come get you out." Lena gives Kara her favorite smile

"Lena, what do you think you are doing? Kara is not leaving the DEO" Hank walks in "and may I remind you, your brother may be locked up but once a Luthor always a Luthor" Hank stands next to Lena with he's arms folded

"Hank you can't just leave Kara in here
she has a life out of the DEO, at least train her if you are so worried about her becoming dangerous, teach her how to control her anger" Lena tries to convince Hank and ignores Hanks response to her last name

"You should know Lena, she is dangerous she can break you in half if she wanted too" Hank not relaxing one bit "Kara can be trained and worked on here while locked up"

"Hank, she isn't dangerous, let her stay with me, and I'll prove it to you she's not dangerous. You can train her on her days off work, and get her anger in check, while I make her suit" Lena doesn't budge from her stance next to Kara's cell.

Hank looks at Kara who is still shocked by Lena's words.
"Fine Lena, Danvers paperwork needs to be signed before you leave with Lena. You better be here on Friday night don't be late."

Lena turns to Kara as Hank opens the cell door, and Kara sped to Lena's arms for a hug, almost knocking Lena over. Kara remembering Lena's smell and overall feelings for this woman.

Hank walks away, and reminds them to keep the love at bay so the world doesn't find out. For everyone's sake. And for their safety.

Lena and Kara head back to Lena's apartment after Kara signs the paperwork to not break the rules, and possibly may bend since she's the girl of steel

"Thank you Lena, for everything, and I'm sorry for lying to you. It wasn't.." Kara cut off by Lena's soft lips on hers and she pulled Kara into her embrace, Kara relaxes as Lena pulls away but still holds onto Kara

"I forgive you, but we will have to work on the secrets. Pizza while I get your suit put to together. Also call Cat she's worried sick and no you don't have to tell her your supergirl" Lena smiles as Kara catches her breath from the kiss and back to reality

"Good idea.. I have a lot to catch up at work, do you mind if I stop by CatCo after we eat pizza" Kara asks as she has a bracelet on her wrist to monitor her movements. She's only going to CatCo, DEO and Lena's apartment. She can't do any crime fighting until her training is finished

No more hotdogs from Chicago even though she begged the DEO to relax on the monitoring and Hank gave her a look and she relieved with freedom for now with a dog collar

"Sure, just let Hank know and I'll be here working on your suit. Blue is definitely your color" As Lena texts Hank in case Kara forgets. Hank wasn't too happy with Kara going to CatCo right away but he understood the agreement

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