Chapter 2: Alex knows

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Alex is Kara's favorite person, Alex is the sister everyone asks for, at first Alex was jealous of Kara's powers but grown to protect her younger sister

Kara bangs on Alex door

Alex is hanging half way on the couch and the beer bottle rolled on the floor
Alex stumbles to her feet and looks her at her phone


She finally gets to the door after Kara knocks for the 5th time, Kara rushes in, to Alex it felt like super speed but pretty sure it was a normal walk, but with her hangover she wasn't sure

"Kara it's 9am, do you know what sleep is?"

"Good morning to you too, here's coffee and muffin" Kara has a silly grin on her face that Alex just rolls her eyes "I met someone yesterday.. her name is Lena"

"Oh? Where at?"

"Noonan's" says with a grin brighter than the sun

"Lena? As in the Lena Luthor.. Kara.. you gotta be careful with her you know the Luthor's are dangerous"

"Alex she didn't seem dangerous, she seemed really sweet, we spent most of the day talking about apartments and she helped me with my resume"

"Oh Kara.." as Alex prepares for the headache "you didn't tell her about your powers did you?"

"Of course not Alex, you would shoot me but the bullet would just bounce off" Kara said with annoyance look in her eyes "I applied for catco and the National City newspaper"

"That's good, someone should give you a call soon"

Kara super hearing a woman in distress, and Alex sees her sisters face becomes worried "Kar..." Alex is now left alone with her coffee

Kara returns a few seconds after

"Kara.. I told you you can't just go use your powers, it's not safe for you"

"Alex, it was quick and easy"

"What if she recognizes you Kara? Have you thought about that? To reveal yourself to the world?"

"I'm tired of hiding Alex.." as Kara begins to pout and her sadden blue eyes show

"Kara you know it's not safe for you, it could hurt you and our family if anyone knew, who you truly are"

"But I want to help people, why else be here on Earth if I can't help anyone?, what use am I then?"

"Kara.. I know you want to help people, and that's great but please stop"


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