☆°Part One°☆

659 15 16

In the perspective of:

I waited on my plainly sheeted mattress patiently, for the pain to subside. When father hits me, he takes good care not to leave marks where they could otherwise be seen. Well, except for my face and the occasional scar on my hand. This time though, he was kind enough to use the belt instead of the whip, or his other tools stashed in the basement. Even if the hard metal of his buckle tears its way into my skin, it's not nearly as sharp and precise as the whip.

The sound of the steps on the staircase distracts me. I, on impulse, lay on the mattress and cover myself with the sheet. I force my face to shape a relaxed, sleeping face. Trying hard not to acknowledge how painful my sudden and rapid movement just now really was. There are steps coming towards my door, and through my closed eyelids I can see the light shine through my now opened doorway.

"Travis..?" My father's voice is deep and in a whisper. He must've seen that I was a sleep because I heard a "Hm" of approval sound from him before he shuts my door. Its the kind of sound that dads give you when you've done something right, but they're not bothered enough to say anything. I relax, for real this time. My body still aches, but the feeling has numbed itself as much as it can alone. By now I would start patching myself up, but because of how tired I was I decided against it.

"I can do it tomorrow." I allow myself to think. My mind drifts off into a dreamless sleep, the most peaceful version in my opinion.

Later in the Morning

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. The wounds from last night still stung, so I had to take extra precaution with my movements. I walk to my bathroom and opened the drawer under the sink, grabbing my first aid kit and disinfectant. Freeing myself from the rough material of my shirt, I apply the disinfectant to any cuts that I could reach, the chemical stung and the pain flared up as I twisted and turned my body to get at the flesh wounds.

I finished by bandaging everything, the blood flow must've stopped last night, but I was almost sure they'd reopen and bleed again. I'd have to wash my sheets later, but first I needed to tend to my church duties as it was a Sunday.

I started off with my morning prayers, knelt on the side of my bed before I reluctantly joined my father in the Church. Since Kenneth is the Pastor and I am his son, I'm required to sweep the church floors, hand out fliers and notices and greet people. I tried my best to endure the aching in my back muscles that came from time to time, occasionally leaving to the bathroom to try and relax the pain.

I stood beside my father as he spoke to the other church participants. Praying with him and completing whatever tasks he gave me. Despite the fact that he was severely disappointed in me, to the point he wanted to bash my head into a wall, he wouldn't allow others to see him in such a state.

Two hours before closing time, when everyone left, he demanded I walk back home. It was dark outside but the house was only a 15 minute walk away.


In the perspective of:

I had 20 more minutes before my night shift at the gas station on the other side of Nockfell away from Addison's Apartments. The pay was kinda shitty, but whatever works I guess.

Mom needed the truck for tonight, on a movie date with Henry, even if she insisted otherwise. They dropped Sal off at Ashley's for the night to hang out, the two would pick him up after they finished their date. I wanted to go too but this was my second week on the job so my manager was still eyeing my every move.

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