☆°Part Eight°☆

387 8 11

In the perspective of:
...??????? ??????...

After school I decided to take a longer route on my way home. My walking buddy wasn't around today to join me, and I didn't feel like arriving at the house anytime soon. It felt a bit lonely, but I'd be a liar if I said that feeling like that wasn't my default mood anyway.

As I made my way around a corner, two streets away from mine. I saw Larry Johnson far away in a tree. Knowing what I did about the guy, it wasn't so strange to imagine him up in a tree at a house that wasn't his. But- the house wasn't just not his, it was Travis's. Didn't he hate him? Before I could try think of what this situation was, I saw the guy fall, the branch he was holding onto landing smack on top of him.

"Ouch" I groaned, imagining how painful that would've been.

I would've run over to see what was going on, but before I could, I saw Kenneth- Travis's dad- pull Larry up by the hair.

What the fuck is going on? I thought to myself. No way was I going to ignore this, I hid behind a bush lined up the side of the fence and got out a camera and a phone.

After snapping a couple of pics and shoving the photos in my bag, I texted Travis.



Travis, I'm outside your house, what's going on?

You are? Fuck, I don't know what to do, Father's gonna beat the shit out of Larry.

What? Why?

Because he's not supposed to be here! I shouldn't have let him in.

Can I help?

Are you sure?

Yeah! I took pictures, I could call the cops?

No! Just call me, I'll tell you what to do.



After ending the call with Travis, I prepared myself to do as he'd said. Making my way behind the house and hiding in the shed. Now I just had to wait a bit before I could go through with the next step.


In the perspective of:

I stormed out of my bedroom to the back-door. Watching as my Father dragged Larry inside. He was so mad. Rightly so, but the dragging was more than unnecessary.

When I saw that Larry was unconscious, dangling like a dead carcass from my Father's grip, I almost gave in. Almost losing it, but I had to stay focused if I wanted my plan to work.

"Father-! Please stop! I can expla-"

"EXPLAIN WHAT?!" He yelled, making me jump.

"Explain why I found this fucking junkie jumping out of my own sons bedroom window!? I am fucking done with your lies and excuses. I warned you Travis, you wanna be a sinner? I'll fucking treat you like one then."

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