☆°Part Twenty-one°☆

204 6 14

Time skip to: Two Weeks Later

In the perspective of:

With Larry discharged and everyone finally calming down from recent events, we'd decided to meet up again and combine our research regarding our studies of the Devourer of God's and their old temple.

Both Sal and Larry had been struggling to keep track of the whole Travis business. While I didn't completely mind him moving into Larry's apartment temporarily and understood his reasoning for doing such, I would have preferred if he hadn't been such a distraction.

"Ohhh, Todd, your friends are here to see youu~," my mother called out, still as high as ever.

"Thanks, mum." I said, standing up from my desk too greet the two.

"Hello Sal, Larry. Would you like any refreshments before our meeting commences?"

"Nah, I'm good, thanks." Larry declined, Sal doing the same by shaking his head.

I nod and lead them to my bedroom, sitting back in front of my computer and opening a separate tab.

"So, what exactly do we start with?" Sal asked.

"This." I answer, rolling my chair aside so that they can see my computer screen.

I had borrowed Ash's camera to take pictures of the temple below the apartments, saving them to my USB to import into my computer and made my own blueprint of what the temple might've looked like from an architectural perspective. Next to those images, I had other images of the Phelps Ministry and the blueprint of the building I'd found online, as well as notes and annotations.

"No way.." Larry spoke first.

"I mean, it does kind of make sense." Sal replied.

"Sorry, but how does this even make sense?" Larry questioned.

"I'm glad you asked, Larry. The Devourer of God's has a higher probability of being a cult than anything else, we've discovered that they have an abandoned temple below Addison's Apartments and that Mrs. Packerton is a cult member. The designs and overall structure are ancient, I'm guessing 17th or even 16th century based, not to mention the necrolights. The cult knew about the supernatural beings in the apartments. Maybe they're connected."

"Yeah, I was able to get a hold of Megan a few weeks ago. She mentioned that Luke had been meeting up with some people that Stacy wasn't keen on. Maybe he'd become a member, and they turned him into the red eyed Demon?" Sal added.

"Brilliant, that means that The Devourer of God's were definitely aware of and are related to the apparitions within this building. However, with these images, I wanted to discuss the possible connection between the temple and the ministry. If you break it down to certain factors, Christians are all basically members of a cult, but one that is influenced by the religion. With visual representation, we can see the similarities between the two buildings' designs, right?"

The two of them lean closer, Larry taking the mouse to scroll down a few pages.

"He has a point, Larry."

"I know, I know. So what you're saying is that the Phelps Ministry could be another temple for the Devourer of God's? Isn't that a bit of a crazy assumption, though? I've been there once as a kid. It seemed like a perfectly normal church back then."

"Well, yes. But that's what's so perfect about it, isn't it? Churches are a meeting place. They can spread influence at a rapid pace and gain large sums of followers, and the members all worship one thing together. They perform rituals of some sort and recite ancient texts. Some places like a church would be perfect for a cult like the Devourer of God's to use as a cover-up." I explained to him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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