☆°Filler Episode°☆

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A/N: Since I'm still working on the next part, I decided I'd post a filler chapter instead, since they require less brain power. And cuz I'm feeling generous, it's going to be fluff.

The filler will be set in the past, Larry being 8 and Travis being 7.

Anyway, on with the filler~


In the perspective of:

It was a Friday, and this time, I was excited for the end of the day.

If you didn't know already, my father is Kenneth Phelps, he's a Pastor at his church. He says that one day, I'll have to be a Pastor too. Everyone seems to respect him. Except for mummy. Mummy doesn't like fathers work. She also doesn't like that I'll have to do his work when I'm older. Which makes me think of why she doesn't.

I love my mum a lot. She brought me into this world after God created me, with the help of both my parents. But mummy and father get into a lot of fights lately, they yell and scream all night and throw things around. Sometimes I get scared. But they only do it when fathers home from work, and a lot of the time it's when I'm asleep.

So weekends can be a little scary. Not this one though. When the bell rings for home time, I won't have to go home. I'll be going to Larry's house. He's my best friend. My only friend, besides Phillip, who I only see on Thursday because he's in a different class.

"Travis! Do you wanna play a game when we go to my house? Or watch a movie?" Larry asked me.

"Don't we have to ask Lisa first?" I asked.

"Huh? Not really, she already knows that we're gonna do stuff."

"Oh! Okay! Then, I wanna play first." I answer.

The next hour and a half we kept talking about how excited we were, and what we were gonna do, and what snacks we were gonna eat. Snacks that I knew I could eat, so that I wouldn't seem weird in front of Larry.

Finally, after waiting for a long time, the bell finally rung and we ran to the door to be the first to line up.

"Larry! Travis! No running, I get your excited, but please." Miss Emma said, tutting in disappointment. But I didn't feel bad, I was too happy and excited to go to Larry's to be upset.

We waited for the other kids to line up, Larry holding my hand now. We were both smiling really hard, and basically jumping up and down, before running out of the classroom, hand in hand, to Lisa's truck.

Larry had to pull me up into the back-seat, since I was way shorter then him, and the truck floor was up to my waist. Neither me or Larry used a baby seat anymore, so it was much easier to talk to each other without the sides of the seat covering us.

"Are you boys excited?" Lisa asked, looking at us from the front mirror, to which we both yelled "YES" to. She reversed the car out of the driveway, and before I knew it, we were in their house.

There were pictures of Larry, Lisa and Jim on the shelves and drawers. It was a little messy, and smelt like pasta sauce and ketchup. But it felt way less scarier than my house.

Larry took my hand again and led me to his room.

"C'mon Travis! Let's go play!" He said, a smile still spread across his face.

His room was like a very wide hallway, he had glow stars on his roof and toy robots and cars almost everywhere. Stickers covering almost every inch of his dresser.

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