☆°Filler Episode°☆

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This one's gonna be set back further in the past, just so nobody gets confused.

In the perspective of:

Mum was dropping me off to Kindy today for the first time. I knew I'd have to go at some point, but I still felt a little nervous. Dad says that school is the most important part of anyones life, that I'll make new friends and meet all sorts of people. And that if I meet any people that were mean to me, he wouldn't blame me if I'd hit them.

When we got there, it didn't look too bad. The building was white but covered with plenty of other painted colours. Pictures of kids smiling and a sign that said: "WELCOME TO NOCKFELL DAYCARE" In big bright letters.

The inside wasn't any better or worse, more pictures and fake plants. The room we walked into was a faded out blue, a desk with a nice looking lady welcoming us as soon as we got inside.

"Hello Mrs. Johnson! And you must be Larry, yes?" She says, her voice is rhythmic and bouncy.

"Uh-huh" I answer, which in return makes mum nudge me.

"Sorry, I meant yes."

"That's alright Larry, you must be a little nervous for your first day." I nodded.

"Well, don't worry about that at all sweetie, most of our kids are nice, and if anyone is mean you can just call for one of your teachers."

She lead me and Mum down a hallway, stopping in front of a bright orange door. I sit down on a chair set outside of it and wait for mum to finish talking to the lady.

When she's done, she gave me a big hug, a kiss on the forehead and then went back to the exit to leave. I was alone now, but the lady was still there and still being nice.

"Would you like me to introduce you to your class? Or would you just prefer to sneak in?"

"Sneak in."

"Alright sprite."

She quietly brought me inside of the classroom. The teacher was the only one that seemed to have noticed this. There were a couple of other kids, playing with wooden trains and cars, others drawing and some of them just walking around.

The receptionist lady left after I found a quiet spot to sit, not bothering to introduce myself to anyone. The teacher briefly mentioned that it was a safe space and that everyone was nice. But I just wasn't interested at the time.

All the kids looked kind of off. I saw this one kid pick his nose and wipe it all over this other girls sleeve. It was so gross! No way was I going to be friends with him.

"That's Jessie, Miss tells him not to do that all the time, but he keeps doing it. It's gross, I know." I hear a boy say, but can't find who or where they are.

I jump up in surprise, not knowing whether or not I was hearing things. Then, next to the chair I'd been sitting in, under a table. A boy lifted up the tablecloth to reveal underneath the table and his hideout.

"Sorry for scaring you. Your the new kid right?" The mysterious kid says. I nod in reply.

"Do you wanna join me? This is my hiding area, but if your nervous and need a place to hang out, I don't mind sharing."

He lifts the tablecloth higher, moving to the side to make a little more room. I think about it for a minute, but who am I kidding? I love hiding spots, so I crawl inside underneath the table with him.

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