☆°Part Twenty°☆

216 6 4

In the perspective of:

"Okay, last but not least, 'Larry Johnson.. '

I took a quick glance at the words down the page, just to check what I'd written. Turns out I was right. It was cheesy, but also kind of sad, haha..

" 'Larry Johnson. From the day I first met him to the day I first lost him, and somehow got him back again. I don't think I ever had a fixed opinion on him. When I first met him in kindergarten, I thought he was funny. Over time, I started to think he was cool. Then, at some point in time, he scared me. Or really, I was scared of hurting him. But it turned out inevitable in the end.

I have many regrets. I regret keeping my secrets, I regret bullying people, I regret isolating myself. But I think one of my biggest regrets, is pushing Larry away. If I'd just let him understand me, if I'd just let anyone understand me, I wouldn't have made all these stupid, immature mistakes. I wouldn't be hiding from everyone, I wouldn't have hidden from myself. I would've come out sooner. I would've confessed sooner.

It's true that I never thought my opinions on Larry were fixed. But I think I was wrong. Because I love him.. First as a friend, second as an ex-friend. And now... Well. I just love him. I love his smile. I love his hair. I love his personality and the way he talks to me. I love how unfiltered he generally is. I love everything about him. And it kind of freaks me out, because yeah, that's not a very straight thing to feel. But I honestly don't care.' " I read out, my voice becoming shaky in embarrassment near the end.

Under the last sentence was a long row of drawn hearts and X's and O's. Small symbols of my love for him. I regret doing it now that I have Larry right beside me, with Sal and Ash in the same room listening in. I didn't dare look up from my page, fearing that the heat from my cheeks were visible.

I could hear Sal shuffling in the akward silence, and a long heavy sigh escaped from Ashley. A few more seconds passed and I finally gained the courage to sneak a glance of Larry's face. Which was... Very, very red.

If I had to describe it clearly, he looked redder than any of the ripe tomatoes sold at the marketplace. Even over his tan skin, it was obvious.

"That was really... sweet. I think we've had enough fun today, right Sal?" Ashley announced, finally breaking the silence.

"Huh? Oh.. Um, sure?" Sal confusingly agreed.

"Yeahhhh. Y'know- I just remembered I have to take care of Benjamin tonight, should probably head back. Sal, me a darling and walk me out would you?" She continued to ramble, obviously making up excuses to leave the two of us alone.

I gave Sal a helpless look as he followed Ash to the door, I couldn't read his expression through his prosthetic, but way he dipped his head and rubbed the back of his neck showed some remorse.

As soon as they closed the door behind them, Larry shifted closer towards me, eventually sitting right in front of me, partially looming over.

"Did.. Did you mean it?" He whispered cautiously.

I nodded my head, still avoiding his gaze and attempted to back away but found myself stopped by the wall behind me. He placed a hand on mine, gently untangling my grip from the book and intertwining our fingers.

His hand was warm against my own that I knew must have been cold. This weird feeling started to build up in my chest, a warm but sort of shameful feeling, I nibbled my bottom lip anxiously.

"You don't have to worry." He assured me, before I could begin to overthink.

"I loved the writing. You're a lot better at it than me. The way you convey your feelings through text, makes me grateful that I fell in love with you." Larry told me, planting a kiss on my hand that he had in his, it sent sparks going off in my heart.

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