☆°Part Eighteen°☆

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In the perspective of:

It took a while, but after a couple of days in the hospital, my bullet wound healed enough and I was ready to go home.

Staying in bed all day was my biggest problem. While it was nice to have my friends visit me throughout the day- Travis and Sal probably the most- not being able to get up was such a pain.

But despite everything, even under the heat of the moment, Ashley, Todd and Chug had been able to spend some time with Travis to bring the past a little more behind them.

Did they forgive him? No. I don't think any of us were at that stage just yet- besides Sal who had been eager to help and accept Travis from the time they first spent time together talking in the bathroom. But we were all willing to give him a chance regardless of whether he deserved it or not, which in my opinion, he absolutely did.

Both me and Sal were able to help the others warm up to him by adding Travis to the conversations and giving him social ques. Ash probably needed the most assurance, since she didn't get to actually see Travis improve overtime, thanks to me hogging him.

When Ash, Todd and Chug first visited Larrt in the hospital

"Oh my God! Larry, are you alright?" Ash had practically yelled when she stormed towards my bed, Todd and Chug not far behind her.

The three of us, me, my mum and Sal, all told her what we knew of the situation. That the guy who shot me had  apparently escaped his cell not long after they arrested him. That the guy escaped before they even got to interrogate him and get his ID.

We were all pretty pissed about that.

Thankfully, time passed and everyone eventually relaxed and we all began taking turns playing on Sal's Gearboy. I played first, Sal second, Todd next, then Chug and then Ashley. Then once she finished her round, she turned to pass it along to the next person. Travis.

"You were with him when this happened right?" Ash asked after akwardly passing the Gearboy.

"Erm.. Yeah." He'd answered.

She'd nodded and silently watched him try to manoeuvre the digital car. Once he'd crossed the finish line and passed the Gearboy back over to her, she said:

"Thanks. For taking care of him, for us I mean."

This made Travis smile, infecting me and Ash as a smile creeped onto our faces as well.

While it didn't seem like much from first glance, you could tell this little moment meant more than you'd think for the both of them.

Ashley was perfectly fine with confronting people if they pissed her off unlike Sal. She'd done so to Travis many times in the past. You'd expect a much longer response from her if it were anyone else. Ashley doesn't usually hold back unless she knows she could hurt someone she cares about, so her clear restraint of saying something more critical to Travis was a silent sign that she was fine with him.

At present time

"Dammnn Travis!" Sal cheered when Travis entered the room wearing the onsie he'd bought for him.

Ashley burst out into a fit of laughter when she saw the sight of him, and I attempted and failed to hold in a snort.

"Ha ha, very funny you guys." Travis mocked, but couldn't stop the corners of his lips turning upright.

When I got discharged, we planned to celebrate by spending the entire weekend together. I got mum to call me off from work and school and Sal even left school early to help Travis and I set up the whole thing.

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