☆°Part Four°☆

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In the perspective of:

A few minutes prior to Larry's POV

After class was over I handed in my pop quiz to Mrs. Packerton. I only did 14 of the 30 questions, but I didn't care. I waited for everyone else to leave before I would. Or at least I was. Sal stayed back, probably waiting for Larry to come and pick him up. So I decided to try and take a nap. Emphasis on the 'try'.

"Psst, Travis? You're not seriously asleep right?" Sally said. I could hear his shoes shuffle towards me until he was right next to me. I sighed, turning my head towards him but still laying it down.

"What do you want Sally face?" I snarled back at him, a bit more aggressive then I expected and decided to try cover it up with a cough.

"Uhm, I mean. What's wrong?" I try again, this time my tone isn't so rough.

His mask slid up slightly and his eyes narrowed. Is he smiling under that mask? No way. But then he laughed.

"Sorry it's just- Your not very convincing are you?" He continued laughing for a bit.

It was weird. But it's been so long since I've made someone laugh and it felt pretty good. I'm pretty sure the last person was my mum... Or maybe it was Larry?

"Anyway, I just wanted to ask you how you were doing. You haven't really said anything about my offer yet, forget?"

"I- Uh... No, just doesn't sound like a good idea." I admit. Sitting up now.

Sal's eyes widen a bit now. And he leans on my desk.

"Woah- was that? An actual response from the Travis Phelps?" He exclaimed. Putting a hand on my table and another in front of his mouth as if to mimic a gasping face even with his mask on.

"Oh- Shut it Sally face, your lucky to have even witnessed that." I snap back playfully. Leaning towards him, now very happy to be conversing with Sal of all people.

This is good. You're actually being nice. A voice from the back of my mind tells me.

Sal laughs again, bending over and holding his stomach like it was about to burst. I grinned. Proud that I was able to make Sal laugh instead of make him upset like I used to. Then, from the corner of my eye. I see Larry.

His backside facing the doorway, walking away in big strides. His brown, greasy but thick hair bouncing ever so slightly against his backside. Still annoys me how gorgeous he is. I mean- How gorgeous his hair is. Not that it makes him any good to look at.

Isn't he going to get Sal? I thought.

Regardless of my concern- uh, curiosity, I continued my chat with Sal. He mentioned a bit about how his offer was absolutely still open, and I mentioned how I was still sceptical but very grateful. Or in my actual words; "Thanks Sally face, but once you're a weirdo, your always a weirdo. So I'll pass for now." And to think I was actually starting to manage being nice again.

He left after saying goodbye, heading towards the Cafeteria. I walked to the bathroom. I didn't like the food here, with bologna being the only exception. So with nothing to eat and no one to sit with, I'd probably go write inside of my journal or something.

But the closer I got to the bathroom, the stronger this strange, somewhat familiar smell grew. I opened the door hesitantly, peeking inside to see Larry in there. He looked so out of it. Which helped me realise that the smell, now very strong, was in fact drugs.

He didn't say a thing, didn't move an inch. He just sat on the bathroom counter next to a sink, staring at the wall. It freaked me out. So even though I was still pissed at him for yesterday's incident, even though the last thing I wanted to do was confront a shitfaced Larry Johnson. I tried to wake him up.

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