☆°Part Sixteen°☆

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In the perspective of:

During the bus ride to the mall, Larry and I sat at the very back of the bus. At first I felt nervous, being in public.

Almost everyone in Nockfell knew me as either "Kenneth's Boy" or "Nockfell Highschool's bully". So being caught hanging around with Larry Johnson might've attracted suspicion.

Luckily for me, Larry seemed to be overflowing with confidence and excitement today. Somehow, seeing him look so calm, holding my hand underneath the seat and sharing his earbud with me, was able to calm me.

Now however, we were actually in the mall. It wasn't overly crowded, since it was a weekday, most people were either at work or at school. Which was great! Because it means there was a very small chance we'd be seen together by our classmates or teachers.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Larry a lot. It's not that I'm ashamed of him, but I'm more than aware of how strange it would seem to other people if they saw us all chumy together. Take Todd or Sal for example, especially Sal with the way he questioned us the first time he caught us together.

But Larry was still overflowing with that confidence and excitement he had on the bus. Heck, it was even more visible now as he dragged me around to look at different shops. He was smiling his toothy smile, gap and all. It all but melted that concern and worry in my heart yet again.

"So, what do you wanna look at first?" He asked, hand still gripped onto mine as we walked around the complex.

"I've never been here Larry... I don't- um. I don't know what to look for." Larry's smile faltered, dipping a bit at the corners.

"Wait, seriously?" He said, now halted to a complete stop.

I nodded, trying to offer a reassuring smile, but he didn't look the slightest bit convinced.

There was a lot I still had to open up about my Dad to Larry. Other than the beating, some of the religious abuse and the starving, there were other things. Like the control. Or the verbal abuse. The manipulation. The degradation and emotional trauma. There was a lot to unpack. And it must've hit him again this time, just like when he bought me snacks from the convenience store. There was a lot of little things I missed out on in my childhood growing up. A lot of things that I should know, but didn't because of a lot of the things I went through, well- are still going through.

Larry looked around, scanning the room I'd guess. He pulled me away to a small empty hallway leading to the public bathrooms and pinned me against a wall beside a small vending machine. I gasped a little in shock as my back hit against the wall. The scars I had still hurt a bit, but nowhere near as much as it would have if I wasn't staying with Larry.

I looked into his eyes, and the excitement in them seemed to have vanished. There was something else there, worry maybe? I couldn't quite tell.

"Larry? What's wro-"

He cut me off with a kiss, leaning into me and cupping the sides of my face with his hands. When he finally pulled away to take a breathe, he just stared at me calmly. His fingers stroking my cheekbones ever so gently, his touch alone felt so warm and sweet I could cry.

"I got so caught up in the excitement, because I get to treat you today. But I- I forgot that you... That this is all still new to you." He explained.

"It's okay Larry, I get it. So, let's just go out there and do this, yeah?"

"Hah, yeah. I'll guide you around the place, no worries."

Larry gave me one more kiss before stepping back, freeing me from the small space beside the vending machine and taking my hand in his again.

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