☆°Part Fourteen°☆

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In the perspective of:

A couple of hours later

The rest of the day, I spent alone with Travis. I taught him how to play a couple of combat video games and racing games of which he surprisingly got the hang of quickly. He was able to beat me in more rounds than I suspected, which might've hurt my pride a little, but it made Travis smile and I certainly didn't mind that.

I took him out to get some snacks at a convenience store nearby since the vending machine was still empty, and I made him try a lot of new snacks. It was weird- and kind of concerning- how little knowledge he had of food in general. Travis had never had a packet of chips before, never had a Kit-Kat, Skittles or Reese's cups. Or any sort of soft drink or energy drink, to me it seemed that Travis had never had junk food in particular.

So I'm glad I was able to be the horrible influence in his life that got him to try them. It was certainly hard to get him to, with his concerns and ED or whatever, but I could tell he was curious too and eventually gave in. I do feel kind of bad if I pressured him, but he actually seemed to like the stuff I gave him- except for the Coke that he proceeded to spit all over my shirt.

Right now, we were just hanging around in my treehouse. Travis had never been in it before since Dad and I finished making it a little bit after me and him stopped talking.

Travis was sitting in a bean bag that we'd brought up from my room, writing in his little journal while snacking on some chips. I gave him some eye drops earlier today and his eye seemed to be healing a bit, which was a relief.

The scars on my back hadn't reopened at all, Travis has done a good job monitoring my pain and replacing my bandages throughout the whole day. I never realised how medically intelligent he was until now, but I guess you'd want to be when you have to endure beatings as frequently and horrid as the ones his dad gives him.

I felt pretty relaxed though, despite the terrifying fact that Travis's dad could report me to the police and they could seperate us at any given moment, ruining absolutely everything. I was comfortable sitting on the other side of the room painting Travis. The smell of the acrylics and the familiar hand movements as I stroked my brush this way and that, Travis's perfectly imperfect figure slowly taking form on the canvas. It was downright theraputeic and exactly what I needed.

And I don't think Travis even noticed me glancing at him every so often. He was too busy writing whatever. Maybe after I finished I'd ask him what it was.

It took me forty minutes to complete my painting, and by the time it was done I was pretty happy with the finished product. The sun was beginning to set and Travis had fallen asleep, now curled up in a ball on the beanbag. His journal was left abandoned on the floor next to him. He was adorable, the position he was sleeping in kind of reminded me of Gizmo, if he ever slept like a normal cat.

Once I took the painting off the frame and set it on the side of the wall to let it dry, I went to wake him up.

"Psst, Travis.." I whispered, tapping him gently on the shoulder, unsuccessfully waking him up.

"Travvvissss~" I try again, shaking his shoulder a little which earnt a little grunt from him.

"Mmn.. Lee me alonee Larryy.." He slurred sleepily.

"You better wake up before I get Sal over here to splash water all over your face again." I threaten him, not at all meaning it, but I think he got the idea.

"Ughh, fine.." I helped Travis get up off the bean bag and we went back inside the apartments.

Travis all but went straight to the couch and plopped himself onto the cushions, falling back asleep. Since mum was still working, I decided to reheat some leftovers she made the night before, she texted me and was going to go eat with Henry and Sal after she finished since she was already up on the fourth floor so I didn't need to heat any up for her. I decided on my own that me and Travis would just eat by ourselves, since I doubt he was in the mood for a social dinner.

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