☆°Part Ten°☆

372 11 11

In the perspective of:

Larry skipped school today. I only found out when they called him in to the office from the speakers. He did usually skip, unless he had art with Ash or chemistry with Todd. He had both today, so I was pretty damn surprised, and confused. Larry had a couple of bad days, if I hadn't rode with him to school today I would've assumed he slept in after going on what he liked to call, 'a high-fest' last night.

But his name wasn't even on the sick list, someone else's was though. "Travis Phelps" was written in the nurses cursive handwriting. That was even more suspicious, the guy never took a day off, despite his clear disdain for school and almost everyone here, his attendance was the closest thing to perfect.

Could Larry have gone to Travis's? No. Why would he have ever done that? Larry wasn't afraid of confrontation like I was, sure, but he wouldn't have gone to his house. He didn't have a reason, besides what I told him yesterday. Which obviously wasn't a good enough reason.

I'd been texting Larry for the past half hour, which was the entire lunch break. A long sting of several "Where are you?", "Are you okay?", "Larry this isn't funny" in multiple variations tapped into my phone. Each and every single one of them sent, delivered and unopened.

He was either too high to respond or his phone was dead. I hoped it was the latter, for his sake because if Lisa found out he skipped school for that again he'd be dead.

I decided that when school was over, I'd go straight to the basement through the back entrance. Except when I got there, it was locked. Not a big problem, because I could just pick it like he taught me to, but he wasn't even in there. The treehouse was also empty. I even got Todd to hack into the security cameras and we both found out he hadn't come at all since going to school this morning.

"Where is he?" I said. Todd hummed next to me, visibly pondering.

"Perhaps he got called into a shift at his work?" He suggested.

"No, Larry told me they let him work on weekends and Fridays, his hours are exceptional because he's a minor. They can't just force him to go into work, and he wouldn't have just skipped for that reason. Especially as a cashier at a gas station, it isn't exactly an exciting line of work."

"A good point. I guess there aren't many other options, should we perhaps contact his mother, or maybe even the police? Technically he is missing. If you couldn't find him in the treehouse, and he hasn't come up on the cameras since this morning, then there's no telling where he may be. Larry could be harmed, or in danger."

"No, not yet. If he doesn't show up on the cameras by tomorrow, then we'll call the police. And Lisa will find out soon enough, I don't want to make her worry yet in case he turns up home fine and she chews him out 'cause of me." I tell him. He agrees and ensures he'll alert me if he turned up on the cameras for me.

It wasn't until around 6pm that Todd texts me saying that he saw Larry. He also mentioned how he thought someone else was with him, but for my sake he was gonna let me find out for myself. Whatever the heck that meant.

I rushed out of my lonely apartment, giving Gizmo a quick pet goodbye and ramming my key card into the slot under the basement label once I got in the elevator. Making sure to give the security camera a wave and show of thumbs up too for Todd to see.

When the elevator finally opened the doors I practically raced to Larry's apartment, into his room where- on his bed, wrapped in elastic bandages- was Larry. And below him on his floor. Was Travis.

I think I about lost my mind trying to figure out what was going on. Larry was shirtless, covered in bandages, with Travis on his floor, literally cupping his face. Travis- who while he hadn't been hostile for a good while- wasn't particularly known for being kind, or comforting, or physical in any sense besides violence, was handling my best friend with actual care. In his room!!

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