☆°Part Eleven°☆

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In the perspective of:

It was dark when I woke up. Larry lay next to me, still sleeping, quietly snoring. He must have wrapped me in the blanket that was covering me, since I don't remember getting it myself. I shuffled off the bed as quietly as I could, avoiding the floorboards I remembered were creaky.

Pulling out my phone from my pocket I read the time, 02:18am. A little earlier then I'd hoped, but it was probably better that I leave early anyway. I left Larry alone in his room, closing the door behind me.

My clothes were in the bathroom, I went to go change back into them before folding the clothes Larry let me borrow and placing it neatly on the couch. So far I was pretty lucky by not waking up either Larry or his mum. This luck stayed with me as I snuck out of their apartment and making my way inside the elevator.

The light in here was much dimmer, and a sort of yellow that wasn't pleasing to the eye. I knew Addison's Apartments was an old building, but I didn't recall how worn out everything here sort of was. Not to discredit Lisa's hard work and maintenance, but it was still pretty, well, old.

A loud bang sounded against the elevator door then, just as it was beginning to open. I jumped, almost having a heart attack from the sudden loud noise. Instead of the doors opening, they just froze in their place, the lights above me started flickering.



And... Blackout.

"Holy shit." I gasped, because no fucking way was there a blackout.

Except there was. And everything was dark and black. Well... Almost everything was black. Through the small gap between the elevator doors was a small glow. A red glow. I couldn't come up with what it could've been. A car? No, there's no car park out the front of the apartment building. Nothing else came to mind.

Whatever the light was, it was moving towards the door, revealing another similar red glow. Maybe someone with two lights? No, that doesn't make sense. Does it? Just to check, I call out to the lights.

"Hello?" I say, with my vision being cut off, or well, completely useless in this dark room besides the glowing lights, my other senses seemed to enhance.

I heard a faint... laugh? Maybe there was someone there after all.

"Who's there??"

No response. But the laughing got louder, and all of a sudden there was a screeching sound. Coming straight from the door. I think whoever, or really, whatever was creating the Red glow, was opening the elevator door. Which was crazy in of itself. I could feel my body tremor when my back hit the wall behind me.

I wasn't even sure what or who it was. But somehow I just knew it wasn't good, because whatever it was, shouldn't be able to corner me in an elevator at 2:40am in an apartment that's currently undergoing a blackout. I felt scared shitless. Goosebumps forming along my bare skin.

The screeching stopped. Even in this eternal like darkness, I could tell that the elevator doors were entirely opened now. I felt bare, like everything and anything that could've been useful in protecting myself, was stripped away from me. Heck, I swore I felt a gust of wind blow past the mysterious source of light and against my skin.

The laughing had stopped too, I realised. It had quietened down to a barely audible chuckle. One that made me feel like my organs were rearranging, being swirled around in an uncomfortable way. I was terrified, a cold sweat forming on the side of my forehead. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

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