☆°Part Twelve°☆

321 9 11

In the perspective of:
...Todd Morrison...

It was pretty early in the morning that I woke up, sometimes I have trouble staying asleep. On nights like this I often text Neil, or play video games.

This specific night, I'd chosen the latter. Neil is my boyfriend, and while I know he wouldn't mind receiving a text at around 3am by me, I feel bad for worrying him and being the reason he needs an extra shot of coffee in the mornings.

I'd gotten out of bed and set up my computer preparing to game, but, out of the corner of my eye I saw a tab open of the apartments security camera system. Sal asked me to hack into it for him and search for Larry through the surveillance, he came up on them rather late, and beside him I undoubtedly saw, was Travis Phelps. I must have forgotten to close it afterwards.

Before I go to close the tab, I check through each camera. The two cameras on the fourth, second and first floor showed nothing but an empty hallway. The ones on the third floor revealed a slightly tipsy Seirra walking out of room 301. And the cameras in the basement were... black.

I inches a bit closer to the screen, adjusting my glasses to try and see the screen any clearer. But it was the same, the cameras in the basement were completely dark. I clicked through between these cameras and the ones on the first floor to check if it had just been a glitch, but the result was the exact same. And when I clicked on the last camera- the one in the elevator- it was the same. Completely black.

Before I jump to conclusions, I closed the tab and reopened it after a moment. It was the exact same. My suspicions grew by the minute, until finally, I caught a glimpse of inside the elevator. The light was flickering, and as its light continued to flash, I got to see a small dark body inside the small elevator. Travis. I thought.

There was nobody else I knew that had that shade of skin with contrasting blonde hair. I wasn't sure of the current situation between him and Larry, not that I generally cared so long as he wasn't putting my friends in harm. Which he usually was. Travis Phelps had been a pain in everyone's ass for- Gee, if I can remember correctly- a decade? However, his behaviour has changed drastically over the past few months, a good change.

But that was besides the point. Travis was alone, in our elevator this early in the morning. One that had a flickering light on. It was suspicious, and blame me for my curiosity but I needed to try and find out why. So I tampered a bit with the settings and was able to zoom in.

With a better view of inside the elevator, I could catch better glimpses of the doors and of Travis. The entrance to the elevator seemed to be opening really slowly, like something was prying it open. I know this was strange because, mechanically speaking, the elevator doors are designed to open rather quick and with a moderate time setting so that it opens and closes quickly. And from the look on Travis's face, he seemed to know that too.

His expression seemed panicked, even in a little pain. I'd never seen him look like that before, so... vulnerable. It honestly took me off gaurd, it was different from his usual annoyed and pissed off expression.

I wasn't sure as to what to do at first, but eventually concluded that- with the help of Sal and Larry- I should probably go and investigate further.

In the perspective of:

I was sleeping pretty peacefully tonight, up until my phone rang and Todd's voice had pulled me out of my sleepy haze.

"He's where!?" I had whisper yelled at him.

Apparently Todd was having worse luck than me at sleeping tonight, and saw Travis in the elevator on camera. He explained his concerns, the weird way the elevator door was opening, the fact that the basement cameras wouldn't pick anything up because it was pitch black. Even that Travis looked really upset.

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