The Cat, The Bat, and the Rose

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Y/N waved a hand through his air, while looking himself in the mirror that was propped up on his desk. Dawning the cape of Batman was not the only reason he had returned to Gotham, there was also the matter of Wayne Enterprises. If Y/N had not intervened, then the Roman would've used his vast wealth and power to install a puppet figure head in the CEO position. Y/N wouldn't let his father's company become corrupt and tarnished much like other parts of Gotham. The boring, mundane life of a CEO was starting to get to Y/N. While it was certainly a busy life, it seemed to be constant repetition, meetings, calls, meetings and more calls. 

On top of the constant repetition, day after day. Carmine Falcone was practically insisting on meeting Y/N, and the late twenty year old was doing his very best to avoid meeting the Godfather of Crime. He knew what the Roman wanted, use Wayne Enterprises as a shell to help launder his money. He nagged Bruce about it, and he'll do the same to Y/N. 

And at the current moment, Y/N was currently dealing with one such board members who was in the Roman's pocket. 

"What I'm saying Mr L/N, with all due respect. Is that LexCorp has invested heavily into their meta-human research facility and I highly suggest Wayne Enterprises do the same" a voice rang out from the meeting that Y/N's desk phone was in. Thankfully it wasn't a video call, as the businessman on the other head would be able to see how bored Y/N actually. 

"And in response to that, I will say my father believed that S.T.A.R Labs was the best choice for Wayne Enterprises meta-human branch and I intend to uphold his beliefs" Y/N responded, leaning back in his chair. "LexCorp, is only beginning to tap into their meta-human research, while S.T.A.R Labs are decades beyond anything they're capable of over in Metropolis, or Keystone, or wherever Lex is" Y/N needed to play the part. The snobby, millionaire who had just inherited a billionaire dollar company on a silver plater. "What I can assure you is that I hear your complaints, and will take them into consideration at the next board meeting". 

"But Mr L/N if I may-"

"Apologies Mr Powers but I have to go, I have a booking at The Ocelot that I must be getting to. As you know that was my father's favourite restaurant in all of Gotham" before Powers could get another word in, Y/N hung up on the corrupt businessman, pretty much slamming the phone down. Thunder rumbled outside as rainfall began, luckily Y/N was currently stationed in his home office. While slightly cramped, the more homey atmosphere made the long hours pass by quicker than he originally thought they would. 

Y/N was living out of a rather fancy apartment located in upper Gotham. Without Bruce, without Alfred, the mansion just seemed.......dead, quiet. Like it had lost a vital part to it. It seemed pointless to live in such a manor, without anyone to live in it with him. So Y/N had decided to move into an high end apartment. Master bedroom, office space, small personal gym, etc. Fit in perfectly with the rich kid aesthetic he was attempting to put on. 

But, as daylight was fading and the dark clouds were soon rolling in, and the rain growing heavier, Y/N knew it was time to close up for the day. Switches were turned off, pre recorded party messages were inputed onto his personal and mobile phones. Leaving said devices near his bed side for good measure. Y/N then took the lift down into car park below, where his many cars were waiting for him. While many were your classic sports cars, there was that stood out.

It wasn't particularly memorable, looked more plane and average, which was exactly the point. Since the Belfry was across town, getting there would be a major problem. So Y/N devised that a particularly plane looking vehicle, although with blacked out windows, would arouse suspicion from the authorities, paparazzi looking to snap pics of the grieving son, and even criminals would judge it as not worth it. Plus since Y/N would only drive it during the evening and early morning during the dark, no one would care about blacked out windows. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now