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For the first time in a long time Y/N was actually heading into central Gotham during the day time. It was about 2:27 PM and the temporarily CEO was driving one of the many expensive cars he had inherited from Bruce downtown to a meeting place he had arranged to meet someone. That someone being an old 'friend' of his, none other than Pamela Lilian Isley formerly known as Poison Ivy. 

During her and Y/N's final years in college Pamela was caught in an accident involving samples of Swamp Thing which mutated her DNA into being part plant, part human. She was granted the unique ability of controlling plant life, being able to mutate plants into deadlier versions of themselves, and she was able to create a pheromone that would put the recipient under the control of Pamela. The pheromone enhanced the attraction one would have towards Pamela, used at lower levels can influence people making them more suggestible, and stronger levels would turn recipients would be turned into full on zombie like drones. 

While she acted as a super-villain for many years, according to Bruce's files she's three years clean. Got out of Arkham one year ago and had even started working part time at a flower store funny enough. Although Bruce and Gordon made sure to send teams over to the store to check the DNA of the plants and pheromone levels to make sure she wasn't up to anything. It seemed Pamela had finally managed to get her life in order. 

Y/N wasn't expecting much from meeting her after so many years. In reality he wanted an excuse to get out of the office, plus Bruce always taught him to keep up public appearances. The paparazzi would eat up anything they're given about the mourning son and new CEO. Y/N kept his eyes on the road, Gotham always seemed so different during the day. The stench, the criminals, the darkness that swept through it like a cancer seemed to disappear entirely. During the day the people retook the streets, and they would live their lives no matter happens during the night. 

It was 2 days after the burning of the Falcone Docks, November 18th, and not a whisper nor word had been heard from the family. The trio of Batman, Gordon and Dent knew something would come of it, they would strike back somehow. But at the moment, it was time for Batman to take a back seat and Y/N can take the wheel. 

The car was pulled in a parking lot located just around the corner from a coffee shop the two used to meet up that. The two had decided on the place for the memories it held, plus the caffeine boost would defiantly help Y/N had the moment. His training fro, Bruce made sure he could survive on very few hours, but the training did not account for CEO hours and they were starting to get to Y/N slightly, just slightly. 

Entering the coffee shop he was met with a few stares to say the least. One elderly gentleman was reading a newspaper with Y/Ns face on the front page and his face was hung open slightly as he gazed on the CEO. Y/N didn't exactly fit into this environment, while everyone else was wearing casual clothes, few hoodies. Maybe a blazer here and there for those smug idiots who stayed there for hours ordering 1 cup of the cheapest shit, all for the free WI-FI and charging their laptop. Y/N on the other hand was dressed in a $2000 navy blue suit, tie and all. He needed to look the part at least. 

At twenty eight years old, Y/Ns regular order still hasn't changed from when he was twenty. It was one of those more difficult orders to say the leats;

Half-caf/decaf, peaberry, non fat latte, steamed to 145 degrees, not too much foam some light cinnamon and a chocolate chip shortbread on the side. 

The baristas would normally role their eyes upon getting this order, but a $100 tip did seem to turn that frown upside down. Y/N took one of the more comfortable seats, the ones which appeared to be leather but everyone knew they weren't. Pamela had already said she was going to be a bit late, so this allowed Y/N to think about his 'other' life. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now