Reunions and Revelations

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It had been just over one month since the death of Alberto Falcone, February 13th, and Gotham's Underworld was brewing it's own Cold War once again. While the Falcones and Maroni's hadn't declared out right war, anyone could see the writing on the wall. Thugs invading the other's territory, super villains swearing loyalties, and weapon shipments had been ramping up. Y/N had been busy dealing with both sides, and of course the rekindling of his 'relationship' with Pamela Isley. The two had been spending a lot more time with one another, both in bed and out. Y/N couldn't explain it, but he felt himself sinking into this hole of comfort when he was around Pamela, a hole which he was lucky to escape. He had been neglecting his responsibilities to Wayne Enterprises, emails piling up, meetings ignored, but they could handle it. 

Currently Y/N was sat in his apartment, relaxing. His body was laid out on the couch, Pamela was out actually working her job but she had recently taken less shifts. But as Pamela was gone, Y/N could once again hear the voice slither into his head once again. 

'You fool, you're letting yourself get too close, too relaxed. Get out there and find Holiday, don't concern yourself with the gangs. Only Holiday matters' 

Y/N shook his head, trying to get the voice to shut up. His eyes darted over to the kitchen counter, underneath where the alcohol was stored. Y/N knew that wouldn't solve his problem, but it temporarily get the voice to shut up. His body began to tremble, his mind knowing it was wrong but part of him knew it would work. Before Y/N could think further 

Knock, Knock 

The front door of the apartment was knocked twice. Y/N grew confused, he wasn't expecting any visitors and it was mid day so Pamela wouldn't be finishing work soon. Picking himself up, Y/N realised his body felt sluggish, heavy, like his joints hadn't moved in years and he was like a robot waking up from a long slumber. Y/N closed his eyes hard, trying to focus his body and mind. Eventually he reached the front door, leaning against it for support almost. Looking through the eye hole, Y/N saw red hair? Couldn't be Pam could it? His whole body spiking up in prospect of it being her.

'What's wrong with me?' Y/N thought to himself as he calmed hid body. Why was he so excited at the prospect of this woman possibly being Pamela? They weren't 'together' in a normal sense. And he didn't really feel anything for her. But as Y/N peered through the hole, he opened the door seeing it was an old friend, who also happened to be another red haired ex of his. 

"Barbara Gordon" he welcomed with a warm smile. "What do I owe the pleasure of you showing up at my door?" he asked sarcastically leaning against the door frame. 

Portrayed by Katherine Mcnamara

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Portrayed by Katherine Mcnamara

"Hey Y/N" she returned with an equal smile. "How you been?" she asked. Both then moved into the living room, sitting on the sofas, Y/N making them both coffees as she took in the surroundings of the apartment. "So, you seem to be settling in" she said, looking round at the apartment. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now