Every End Has a Beginning

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The Roman's Birthday 

Harvey Dent was rushed to hospital, bandages wrapped around his face and drugs pumped into his system to ease the pain. He couldn't feel, couldn't hear, bu he could see. The TV in front of him, talking about the incidents while non stop theorising that Dent himself was the Holiday killer. Sal Maroni had been taken in custody, to a hidden location where only two people in Gotham knew where he was. Harvey looked to the side, he could see them. His wife, Jim, Montoya, officers all talking. And as Harvey gathered his thoughts, the voice cut across every other thought. 

'Idiots, they think it's you' 

"Who? Are you?" Harvey asked looking around, due to the acid burns. His own voice had become raspy and low, almost identical to the voice in his head. 

'You know who I am' 

"No I" Harvey lay his head down, his burnt eye going bloodshot. 

'You sound tired, why not let take the wheel' 

Harvey's left hand raised slightly, it was bandaged up as well. As it too was burnt from when he held his face. "I don't know what's happening" Harvey said confused, using his right normal hand, to grab his burnt left one. 

'I'm sorry, no one told you Harv'

"Told me what?' Harvey asked as two split minds soon covered and became one. Harvey and the voice then spoke out together, in unison. "You're dead" Harvey spoke out. 

Suddenly Harvey's phone began to ring, it was right next to his bed. "I have to take this" he spoke out, reaching over and grabbing the phone, placing it next to his ear. "Yeah?" the voice on the other end of the phone was threatening, yelling, they wanted to meet Dent. "Now?" he asked with the person on the other end responding. "No, it's the perfect time" minutes later, Harvey Dent used the window in his room to escape the hospital. To go and meet Carmine Falcone near the Gotham dam. 

Harvey had been picked up by a single car driven by two men. When they reached the Gotham dam that's Dent noticed no one else was here. As he stepped out, towards the centre of the damn, the two men also exited the car behind Dent. 

"Well, where is-" his phone began to ring, the caller being the unknown number once again. "Let me guess, you're not coming after all" Harvey said, trying to sound surprised. 

"Afraid not" Carmine answered back. 

"Yeah, you're not really one to get your hands dirty" Harvey scoffed, he could hear the two men reaching for guns. 

"You know nothing about me"

"I know you're a lier, a thief, a murderer" he listed, Harvey's voice getting angrier and more growl like as he went on. 

"A father" Carmine added, wanting revenge for what he thinks Dent did to Alberto. Dent turned around to face the men, their guns trained on him. 

"A coward" Dent shot back. 

"Good-bye Dent" Carmine said, hanging up the phone. But Harvey kept the phone next to his ear, as if he Carmine was still talking. 

"Uhhh Fine" Harvey said, growling at the end, holding out the phone for the men to take. "He wants to talk to you" he lied. One of the men nodded at another, urging him to take the phone. Just as the first man was about to grab the phone, Harvey dropped it, grabbing the mans arm and bringing him into a headlock. The second man open fired, but Harvey turned around, using the first man as a human shield letting him absorb the bullets. Using the gun the now corpse was holding, Harvey returned fire, managing to blast the gun out of the second mans hand, the running at him, tackling him off the side of the dam. Harvey held the man as they drifted down stream into the sewers, breaking the mans neck to shut him up. Harvey grunted, being thrown against the side, his bandages becoming damp and some drifting off of him. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now