Rough and Rowdy

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November 21st, and once again, like always Gotham was filled with police sirens an fleeing criminals in a chase causing much destruction and fear. The GCPD had managed to narrow down the list of potential suspects in the bombing of the Dent Home. Mickey Chen, part of a relatively smaller crew that Falcone most likely out sourced. While there wasn't much evidence supporting and linking Chen to the crime, he was wanted for questioning. And it was Chen in the van speeding through Gotham evading the police trying to get away, but he wouldn't get far. 

The Batcycle launched through the garbage filled alleyways, Batman riding the cycle with his thumbs hovering over the weapon systems. Much of the GCPD didn't care about Dent, they were in the gangs pockets, but Batman the rest, Dent was one of the only good men in the whole city. A rare sight for Gotham. 

Batman zoomed through the streets, towards the source of the sirens, gaining many chants from civilians seeing their hero in action. Three GCPD cruisers in pursuit parted, one breaking off and the others pulling back to safe distance but to maintain eyes on Chen. Batman narrowed his eyes, pulling up behind Chen and the panels of the bike unfolding. But seeing the proximity of Batman, Chen floored it, pushing his old van to its limits. 

Try as he might, Chen had no hope to outrun the Batcycle. Top of the range, 786cc liquid cooled v-4 engine. Not to mention the weapon and computer systems Bruce made sure to include. While maintaining decent speed and making sure to stay far enough back no Chen couldn't slam his breaks, Batman moved his right hand to the miniature monitor on the centre of the bike. 

Batman swiped along the monitor, making sure one of the bikes twin guns targeted the rear right tire of the van. A quick blast from the canon instantly disabling the tire, the rubber coming flimsy and flying off to the side. Sparks flew off from the rim, with the speed of the van dropping dramatically. But Batman knew Chen would keep going, so he activated a secondary weapon on the Batcycle, and a grapple from underneath the motorcycle fired off, attaching itself to the van. 

Instantly Batman hit the breaks, the Batcycle coming to a stop and the grapple tensing. The van was forced to come to a stop, Chen almost flying out through the window screen, thankfully he was wearing his seatbelt. The old van would never be able to match the horsepower of the Batcycle, and Chen realised this and exited the van and ran for it. He looked back, fired off two shots from his revolver and ran deeper into Gotham. Running into Gotham's Chinatown district, his home turf. 

Batman grappled upwards, watching from the rooftops but making sure his shadow cast out from the many lights attached to the buildings. Chen fired off several shots upwards, scaring people around him and trying desperately to escape the Bat. Chen ran down an empty alleyway, and Batman knew this would be his chance to strike. Batman spread out his escape, and proceeded to glide down ready to bash Chen. 

The criminal fired another three shots, two missing and one being deflected off by the Bat armour. The vigilante threw a Beatarang which stabbed into Chen's hand forcing him to drop the gun and massive amount of blood to leak from the newly created wound. Batman then landed, kicking Chen away as he did so with the gangster knelling on the floor gripping his damaged and slit open hand. Batman then calmly walked over to Chen, gripping him by the back of the head and slamming it into a nearby dumpster disorientating him and creating a head wound causing Chen to yell out in pain. 

Batman then picked Chen up by his white collar, looking into his fear filed eyes. 

"You-you never like this before" Chen got out, Batman's eyes unwavering and cold. 

Batman used his free hand to pull the Batarang out of Chen's hand causing even more pain and more blood to leak out. "I had a change of heart" Batman replied coldly putting his projectile weapon back as he did so. Batman then punched Chen in the ribs with his free hand, a loud crack being heard and Chen yelling out even more. Everyone on this block probably heard him. "You and your San Ho Hui buddies were seen outside Harvey Dent's house on Halloween". 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now