The Day After

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Waking up after mid day wasn't something Y/N was used to. Since all those years when his training began, he'd always had a sharp and planned out routine. Four hours of sleep, five if he really needed it. Shower by 7:30AM, training, well thought out breakfast, training, etc. But today on January 1st was different, almost like his whole body was laying on a cloud of pure softness with something warm resting on his shoulder. It was 2:56, and his E/C eyes groggily opened, the world was blurry, memories of last night were slowly returning in waves. Joker, the Yacht, Selina, Holiday and Pamela. The aching of his body, how he let Alberto die, the sex. His right arm was wrapped the red head, pulling her in close. Y/N still doesn't know why he let himself get carless, but he enjoyed it. The voice had shut up, and it was......peaceful, like all the worries of the world had vanished. 

His work phone was full of messages, even on the first day of the new year the vultures of Wayne Enterprises were out for blood. Three meetings missed, four group calls and one meeting with a very important rspresetitaive of S.T.A.R Labs gone. But those worries weren't present in Y/N's mind. 

"Hey" a gentle voice called out, breaking Y/N out of his thoughts his attention turned to Pamela Isley looking up at him with a smile. 

"Uhhh, hey" Y/N responded rather awkwardly. How does one respond to their ex they hooked up with? "You sleep alright?" he asked, sitting up slightly trying to get his body to start moving. 

"Like a log" she responded as Pamela also sat up, moving the duvet up to cover her naked body. "Yourself?" 

"Haven't slept that well in a good few weeks" Y/N said wiping his eyes of sleep trying to clear his blurry vision. "So ummmm, about last night?" he tried to start up the conversation that needed to happen. They had to talk about it, so might as well get it out the way. 

Pamela looked away for a brief moment, she seemed to be thinking of what words to say exactly. She also seemed as embarrassed and awkward about the situation. "It was, nice?" she tried to say, and she wasn't wrong. Y/N had to admit it's been a while since he's you know, but last night just felt amazing. Nothing like with Kori or Barb. But Y/N still felt awkward about the situation, there was no love behind it. 

"Yeah, it was" Y/N admitted to Pamela. He fished a pair of boxers out of the draw next to his bed and slipped them on. "I'll uh" he got up from the bed and pointed with his thumb towards the kitchen. "Go get your stuff and put on some coffee?" he asked with his eyebrows raised. 

"I'd like that" Pamela nodded as she laid back. 

Y/N gathered what clothes of hers he could find, some of it was actually ripped due to how aggressive Y/N was being last night. But he found what he could and dropped them off near Pam so she could dress herself. And as Y/N entered the kitchen his attention turned to his work mobile phone. A few dozen voice mails, emails, and about ten texts from Derek Powers the tycoon under Falcone's thumb, it all certainly piled up over the hours. But he threw the phone aside, he didn't care about Wayne Enterprises for the moment, all his worries had vanished. He put on a batch of his favourite coffee and simply looked out the nearest window, gazing over the city. Y/N let out a sigh relieve as his eyes drifted downwards to the streets, the people the cars, how it all seemed so alive. It reminded him for what Bruce fought for, what he's now fighting for. Y/N closed his eyes and soaked in the sounds, honing in on every little detail. Yelling, car horns, tires scrapping against the road, each sound held a story, and those stories could be linked to crime some way, shape or form. 

Y/N then turned to the coffee machine and poured two cups, he doesn't remember the last time had had used two cups at the same time in this apartment. The smell of coffee invaded his nostrils rich, warm, and inviting. It has a strong and distinct aroma that fills the air and stimulates the senses. The scent  was caramel-like, with notes of toasted bread and roasted nuts. Y/N held one of the cups, allowing it's warmth to filter through him. Eventually Pamela joined him in the kitchen, and since he was only half dressed, so was she in only her bra and panties, almost teasing Y/N even when they needed to talk about boundaries. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now