Father's Day, Time to Pray

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Outside Falcone's tower the police presence was absurd. Five cruisers in total, upwards of fifteen men on the ground all armed to teeth and a SWAT team on stand by if any trouble were to come knocking. Soon a red Volkswagen began to pull up, the licence plate was recognisable to the officers as they had been informed of its arrival. Out stepped a woman who took the officers by surprise, she hasn't been seen in Gotham for some time, and it was quite visible she was concealing a few weapons under her jacket for good measure. This was Sofia Falcone, Daughter of the Roman. 

Portrayed by Cristin Milioti (Really just wanted to use her cause of the Penguin show which looks awesome)

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Portrayed by Cristin Milioti (Really just wanted to use her cause of the Penguin show which looks awesome)

Her face seemed to be miserable, she never wanted to come back to this dreadful city. But a small smile was on her face, tomorrow was fathers day after all, and she got to actually spend it with her own father after so many years. 

"I'm here to see my father" she explained to the officers standing outside, who's hands inched over their guns if she were to try anything. Sofia revelled something in her hands, and one officer even gripped the handle of his weapon, but it was revealed to be a small white box with a red bow tried around it. "It's a tie" she explained, causing some of the officers to loosen their guard but some didn't seem convinced, this caused Sofia to sigh wearily. "And yes, my parole officer knows I'm here" she added, her eyes rolling. The sergeant in charge seemingly less than convinced. 

Minutes later, Sofia exited the elevator with her finding herself outside her dad's office with him there to greet her. 

"Sofia my little girl" Carmine welcomed, embracing his daughter in a hug and planting a kiss on her forehead as they broke away. "Heat give you any trouble downstairs?" he asked. 

"There's more cops here than I ever saw in five years on the inside" Sofia summonsed, calling back her time in the slammer. Her eyes drifting downwards. 

"Holiday Detail" Carmine explained making air quotes. "For my protection, or so they tell me" he chuckled, the irony. For years the GCPD tried to bring down the Roman's Empire, and now they had to defend him. "Listen" Carmine began, making sure the door to his office was shut behind him. "I've very busy, could you-"

"That's why I came up here" Sofia argued back, cutting across her father. "I need to talk to you" she added, trying to look at father with respect and hopefulness. "Papa, I want to be in room, a seat at the table" she pleaded. While she had success running smaller operations in Keystone, Central City and Midway City, she wanted to be here. In Gotham, her home. 

"Sofia, we have already discussed-" before Carmine could respond he was cut off yet again. 

"I tracked down that freak Crane for you like you ordered without question. Things heating up with Sal Maroni, I think-" 

"BASTA!" Carmine yelled at his daughter, cutting her off. His face slowly being filled with rage, he would not be questioned, he's the Godfather for Christ Sake. Sofia stepped back, she had always feared her fathers temper. But when Carmine realised his tone of voice, his face softened. "Things are....strained" he said glancing back to his office. Carmine then placed a hand on his daughters shoulder. "Half our top earners have been taken out by either Holiday, or Maroni's freaks. I chance to use that old friend of yours L/N, but he's out. And now we have to restructure" he explained. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now