And Every End, is a New Beginning

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(Final Chapter Here we Go, Will Contain Adult Scene at the End) 

The Long Halloween, that's what the Falcone's had named this past year. And tonight, it would come to an end. Bombs were set off across Gotham, spreading dangerous, fear toxin among the crowds. Poison Ivy, Scarecrow and Killer Croc, walked through the gas, both immune to its effects, people ran, terrified. Scarecrow rode at a top a horse, many terrified citizens seeing him as the mythical, terrifying headless horseman. Ivy was elevated high in the air, by vines and vegetation. Killer Croc simply strolled through, wiping his mouth clean of blood. Many police cursors arrived, attempting to block the trio's path. 

"Keep coming boys" Ivy chuckle, raising her hands summoning vines preparing to attack the officers. "Everyone's invited to this party" she added as she and Scarecrow stopped to face down the GCPD. 

"Not, everyone" Croc growled, but could also be heard as a laugh. 

Back at the Asylum, cells were blown open, red lights flared but no alarm sounded. Calendar Man was one of the only villains not freed, he punched the glass cell as hard as he could, pained expression on his face. "Head!" he called out, although no one was there. "I meant HEADS!" he added, trying desperately to escape this hell hole of a prison. 

But this attack the trio were launching, was but a diversion. At Falcone Tower, on the top floor, many of Carmine's best men at their weapons trained on the elevator. Something or someone was coming for them, and the elevator was quickly rising to their level. It came to a stop, but the doors did not open. The men looked to each other in confusion, when suddenly the doors were ripped apart. Solomon Grundy had arrived, and he roared, throwing a door at the men causing them to scatter. They all opened fire on Grundy, their bullets not even wounding him and bouncing off his grey skin. Grundy massacred the men, throwing them out of windows, stomping on them, crushing their rips like paper. 

From the other side of the doors in his office, Carmine and Sofia could hear the screams of their men. She went to grab dual tommy guns, with Carmine grabbing a singular one sniper rifle. Although she was hasty, pushing her father aside in wanting to protect him. Going out there to deal with the villain much to her fathers disapproval. 

As Grundy dispatched the last of the men, two men exited the elevator. Two Face and the Joker, both looking extremely pleased with the carnage. Sofia kicked open the doors, dual wielding her weapons, gritting her teeth. "Come get some motherfuckers!" she screamed, opening fire on Joker, Two Face and Grundy. While Face hid behind Grundy cover, Joker hid behind a destroyed table. The clown held two comically oversized revolvers with long barrels, returning fire. Two Face saw the situation, and knew he needs this to be over. He aimed his pistol right above Sofia, at the chandelier. With a single shot the lights were brought down, trapping Sofia underneath, knocking her out. 

"Sofia!" Carmine called out, exiting his office. He saw her, his own daughter, bleeding, injured, trapped. Carmine let out a yell, getting the villains attention. He aimed his sniper rifle at Grundy, firing off several shots. These more high caliber and actually managed to penetrate the monsters skin causing him to raise his hands to protect himself. Grundy snarled, leaping at Carmine who fired off several more shots until he turned and around. Carmine locked the door to his office and aimed his weapon right at it, as soon as they broke down the door he'd be waiting for them. 

But Carmine hadn't anticipated the other villains, as Ivy was outside his window, elevated on a plant along with Croc and Scarecrow. Ivy sent her vines crashing through the window, entangling and wrapping around Carmine restraining him. They squeezed his arms, forcing him to drop his weapon and grunting in pain. "What is this?" he asked, looking down at the vines. 

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