Dent's Days

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It was the fourth of July, and Gotham was celebrating, well a fraction of the city was celebrating. Fireworks constantly going off, kids out, enjoying themselves with American themed clothes, and the adults watching on with smiles. Jim Gordon looked around, normally there are hundreds of people in attendance for these fireworks, but now looking around. You'd be hard pressed to count barley fifty people. Jim went to join Harvey and Gilda, leaning on a rail looking over the fireworks.

"I expected a low turnout after the New Year's fiasco, but this is really pathetic" Harvey scoffed, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Fine by me" Jim said, taking a smoke. "The more people stay hime, the easier my job gets" he explained, it's true. The for every person present there was 2 police officers. "Speaking of jobs getting easier" Jim pondered looking over at Harvey. "Is it trie you got Maroni?" he asked.

"It's not a done deal" Harvey replied. "My office is working out the details now. But if ol' Sal tells a judge what he's told me...." Harvey held a hopeful expression. "Let's say today's a good day for the Roman to celebrate what's left of his freedom" this statement caused Gilda to smile, hope slowly returning to her face.

Although her eyes drifted to the side, seeing the man of conversation coming their way with his police escort. "Speak of the devil" she spoke out getting Harvey's and Jim's attention.

Carmine held a cold expression, his eyes holding on a Dent then drifting to Gila. Harvey placed an arm around his wife protectively. Soon however, Carmine stood in front of the three, police officers practically encircling them.

"I'm supposed to find you outdoors on a holiday" Jim noted, but he didn't get the Godfather's attention. That was fixed solely on Harvey Dent.



They exchanged, although the Roman turned slightly. "Actually I was speaking to your wife" he corrected, obviously he wasn't but he always liked to outwit the law. "Mrs Dent" he offered a hand.

"Don't touch her!" Harvey barked getting in the Roman's face, there was something in his voice. Something dark, and twisted.

"I never took you for a patriot, Carmine" Jim interjected, trying to ease the tension between the two.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss fireworks like this for all the world" he answered, looking past Gilda at the fireworks. "Good evening Mrs Dent" he finished, walking away with the officers in tow. The three watching him walk away.

'Nice woman' Carmine thought. 'Too bad about her husband' his eyes darted to a nearby lamppost. A man leant against it, reading a newspaper, but his eyes met the Roman. Both giving a subtle nod to one another.

"I tell you Harv" Jim stated placing his hands on his hips. "If I could I'd every cop in the city here tonight" he finished. But the rest of the city needed protecting, Batman couldn't be at two places at once. Jim then had to leave the Dent's as he went off to join his wife, leaving the two alone to gaze at the fireworks.

The silence was eventually broken as Harvey spoke up. "I've been thinking about, and maybe you're right" he said, causing Gilda to turn to him.

"Uhhh, about what?" she asked nervously.

"About kids" Harvey answered as if he'd never been happier. Her own face soon matched his own, like the planets had aligned and answered all of Gilda's prayers. Their hands joined together. "Having kids" he repeated, causing her to smile brightly.

But soon enough, the man from before came up a few metres away from the Dents. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a standard handgun, and aimed it towards Harvey. As the gun fired however, it was none other than Catwoman who came up and flipped Harvey out of the way. Both of them avoiding the bullet with Harvey falling to the floor.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now