- First girlfriend - SJ

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Name: Lea Kayle Johanssen

Age: 15
High school

Parents: Scarlett Johanssen (mother) & Colin Jost (stepdad)
Rose & Cosmo

Plot summary: Lea gets her first girlfriend but she hasn't told her parents about her sexuality.

1655 Words :)

TW: self-doubt



I have been hanging out with this girl Emily for a while now. She is so pretty and funny. She's smart and kind and just all the things I love... no like in people. We met at school on a school project. She is not in my class but we had to work with other classes for this project. We instantly hit it off. After that, we spent time together during the lunch breaks. After three weeks she asked me on a date, and I instantly agreed. The next day we went to a park and had a lovely picnic. A few day's later we went to the cinema and got some Thai food. MY FAVORITE FOOD EVER. After that, we went on a few more dates and after two months of dating, she asked me to be her girlfriend. I obviously said yes. Who wouldn't want to be Ems girlfriend? She is amazing!

That was 3 months ago. We have been spending time together almost every day. There's one problem though. I met her parents. She wants to meet mine. I haven't told my parents yet. My parents don't even know I am gay. How am I supposed to tell them that? Do I even tell them? Or do I just bring Em home and announce it like that? What's the way to go? What's the best thing?

Are they going to accept me? My parents aren't homophobic, right? I would've known if that was the case, right? I mean, Colin isn't even my real dad. What if he doesn't want to call him dad anymore after this? What if mom gets mad? What if they both get mad? What if they don't want my siblings to know? What if they say that I don't set a good example for them? What if they think I am a disappointment? What if this isn't what they want for or from me?

The sound of the school bell brings me out of my spiraling thoughts. I grab my stuff and walk out of the class. This was the last class of the day. What it was about? No idea. I'm not hanging out with Emily today because she has an exam tomorrow that she needs to study for. As the loving girlfriend I'm I send her a good luck text before getting on the bus.


Heyy Bubs, I didn't see you on my way to the bus. Good luck with studying today! You got this <3

My girl <3

Thank you, honey! Sorry, my class ended a little early and I really needed the extra time. Have fun with your parents tonight!


No worries love and thank you. I think I might tell them tonight but I'm not sure.

My girl <3

Lea, honey, please only when you're ready okay! There is absolutely no pressure whatsoever. You could always introduce me as one of your friends.


Thanks, Em! I'm not going to introduce you as 'just a friend' because you're not. I will tell them tonight. Now you go and study! Make sure to take care of yourself as well!

My girl <3

Good luck. Not that you need it, your parents are going to love you no matter what. Call me after all right? <3

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