- Sibling - EO

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Name: Lucy Avaline Olsen
Elementary school

Parents: Elizabeth Olsen (mother) & Robbie Arnett (step-dad)
Siblings: none (yet ;) )

Plot summary: Lizzy is pregnant with Lucy's sibling.

1755 Words :)

TW: throwing up



Lizzie POV

I am late. 

2 months.

I am 2 months late. 

I am going to wait another week then I will do a test. 

A week later

''Mamaaaa'' Lucy's voice wakes me up from my sleep but I keep my eyes closed, not ready to open them yet. 

''Luce, let's let Mama sleep. Come on let's make some pancakes.'' I hear Robbie say.

''Okay, Robbie.'' The bed dips and I hear our door open and close. I assume they both left so I open my eyes. I groan at the light and get spooked by the laughing. I look up and see Robbie standing at the end of the bed with a smug smile on his face. I grab his pillow and throw it at him before rolling around and pressing my head into the mattress. The bed dips and I feel a hand on my back running up and down. I roll back on my pillow, toward Robbie and his hand is now on my stomach. I look up at him. 

''It's been a week'' he states

''I know'' I say with a sign. 

''What is making you scared?''

''I don't know''

''I think you have a pretty good idea, babe.''

''It's just last time he left and I had to do it alone...''

''I know, I won't leave. You know that right?'' I hum and stare up at the ceiling. I know he won't leave but my mind is convinced. ''How about I get Lucy ready and bring her to my parents, they have been dying for another day with her, then I grab some tests at the store, and you take them. I will be there and whatever the outcome is we will spend the rest of the day eating ice cream and watching some movies. How does that sound?''

'''Sounds awesome, although have Lucy back by dinner. Your parents can come.'' I need my after-dinner cuddles from her.

''I will tell my parents to be here at 7?'' I hum again and give him a kiss before he leaves the room. I decide to just get comfortable before resting my eyes again for a minute.


''Baby, wake up.'' I feel someone hovering over me, kissing me all over my face. Telling me to wake up.

''I wanna sleep''

''I know, life is so hard'' he laughs. 

''Yes, it is.'' I open my eyes and look at him. 

''I got like 10 different tests. I didn't know which one was the best.''

''That's okay, good thing I need to pee right.'' I let out a nervous chuckle. 

''Yes, it is. Let's do this.'' I can hear the nervousness in his voice. I might sound weird but I find comfort in the fact that he is also nervous. Makes me feel less alone. I get up from bed and walk into the bathroom. I see the test on the counter and a wave of nausea hit me.  I get to the toilet just in time. Before I know it, my hair is being held back and I feel him drawing soft circles on my back. I flush the toilet and sit back, leaning into Robbie. 

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