- Coming out - EO

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Name: Lucy Avaline Olsen
Age: 16

Parents: Elizabeth Olsen (mother) & Robbie Arnett (step-dad)
Siblings: none

Plot summary: Request from senioraanna : Lucy comes out to Lizzie

1702 Words :) (not spellchecked again, sorry loves <3)


''Lucy?'' I hear Dylan and it brings me out of my thoughts, ''I know this might be soon seeing it's our second date but would you like to be my girlfriend?'' I smile at the words and Instantly nod my head. '

''YES! I would love to be your girlfriend Dyl!'' I yell and I kiss them. We hang out for a bit more before I have to get home. On my way home I can't help but smile. Dylan is such a fantastic person and I think I am already falling for them.

''I'M HOME'' I yell as I step into my house and hear Mom call back from the kitchen.

''Hey bubs, did you have a nice time with your friends?''

''Yes, I did!''

''You are 5 minutes late though'' She says with a smirk on her face. I know she is joking. Yes, I'm five minutes late but I know mom doesn't mind that unless I'm like hours later without notifying her or Colin.

''I know, I am sorry. I will help you cook for forgiveness?'' I ask putting up an innocent face.

''I was never mad, so no need to ask for forgiveness but if you want to help me cook you can start grilling the chicken please.'' I smile at her and do as I'm told. I think back to the date I just had and can't help but smile like an idiot.

''What's got you smiling so big?'' I hear Mom ask and I don't know what to answer. She thinks I am straight. What happens if she won't accept me?

''Nothing, just enjoying cooking with you, mama!'' I say hoping she would believe it. She looks at me but moves on to talk about her day and I talk some about mine, leaving the amazing date out of course. When dinner is almost done Robbie walks into the kitchen.

''I thought I smelled something good!'' He says as he starts setting the table. After a bit, we start eating and I am lost in my thoughts. What if they don't accept me? What if they don't accept Dylan?

''What do you guys think about non-binary people?'' I blur out and I put my hand in front of my mouth in shock. Did I really just say that out loud? What the fuck is wrong with me?

''I think they are people like us bubs, why?'' Mom says and Robbie nods. I don't say anything, ashamed I blurred that out like that. ''Are you non-binary Luce?'' Mom asks and I shake my head.

''No, I'm not, I was just wondering. I am sorry I interrupted your conversation.'' I say playing with my food.

''It's okay bubs! If you are non-binary or anything that is okay, you know that right? You are valid in the way you were born baby!'' She says and I nod and blink away some tears. I don't know why coming out is so hard. I know they are supportive. Hell, I don't even think Mom is straight.

After dinner, I help clean up and after that, I go to my room. When I get in the shower I can't help but cry. I stay under the shower for way longer than normal. After I put on my pj's I climb in my bed and hug the covers. I can't help but doubt everything in my mind. Tears fall down my cheeks again. I just cry hoping sleep will come soon.


There is a knock at my door but I don't answer. I hear Mom call my name, but I don't answer. She will hate me, I know it. The thought makes me cry harder and I hear my door open. ''Are you crying bubs?'' I hear her ask but I don't react. Before I know it my bed dips to one side and her hand goes to my shoulder. She turns me on my back so she can see my tear-stained face.

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