- Forgotten - SJ

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Name: Lea Kayle Johansson
Age: 14 > 15

Parents: Scarlett Johansson (mother)
Siblings: Rose (8)

Plot summary: Request by: SaraiLopez805 : Maybe where we are Scarlett's daughter (15) and she forgot our birthday due to her being busy working and her hanging out with Colin. So we end up getting upset and end up drinking, she gets home and find us all drunk and crying. You can figure out the rest.

>> Hope it's what you wanted <3

3572 Words :) (not spellchecked, sorry)
TW: Self-harm ; sad


Saturday, August 19th, 2023

My mom had been very busy lately. I have barely seen her or talked to her. It's a quick good morning if she is here. Sometimes a quick text but when I reply she never replies back. She always said that I come first and work second but it feels like she forgot I exist. 

Did I mention she started seeing a new guy lately? She has time for that. She takes care of Rose but not me. Sure I get that Rose is 8 and I am 14 but it still doesn't seem fair. When Rose is at her dad's, Mom stays with her new boyfriend, whose name is Colin, leaving me alone. Maybe another 14-year-old would see it as a blessing, having a home for yourself, but I don't. I miss my mom. She is my best friend. My only friend to be honest. I don't know why, it's just very hard to make friends. Especially when they always use you because your mom is who she is. Not that Mom knows that. 

I've had a hard day today. Seeing as it is August we are on summer break. Normally I would spend the day with Rose but she left with her dad yesterday. Mom left early this morning. For a change she came into my bedroom this morning and tucked me in further, giving me a kiss on my head before heading out. I pretended to be asleep because I don't know what to say to her and it was nice getting attention after a while even if she thought I was asleep, she knows I exist.

I was very anxious today for no reason. I get that sometimes. I decided to text Mom, hoping for an answer. I get an answer within a few seconds but not really an answer I like.

Momma <3
Hey Momma! I am having a bad day today, when are you coming home? 

Leaa <3
Hi! I will be home after dinner to grab some stuff but then I am out for the weekend.

I reply with a thumps up while my eyes are getting watery, it feels like I've lost my mom. Normally she would ask what made today bad and she would make sure I was alright, or pick me up so I could spend the day at set. Now I just get 5 minutes before she goes to the people who are more important to her.

I spent the day doing nothing. I just lay on the couch watching some of my mom's movies to have her with me in that way. I don't feel like making myself dinner so I just grab a peanut butter sandwich and decide to watch Grey's Anatomy. 

''I'm Home'' I hear my mom yell when she enters the house but I don't reply. She walks into the living room and sees me laying on the couch, under a blanket with tears leaving my eyes as another character I love died. ''You okay, bubs?'' She asks while sitting next to me. At that question, I just burst out in tears and I sit up a little so I can lay my head on her shoulder. 

''I'm not okay, momma,'' I mumble. She lifts me up the best she can and places me on her lap. My legs on either side I straddle her and I wrap my arms around her placing my head in the crook of her neck. One of her hands goes on my back. She whispers sweet nothings in my ear. It takes a minute before she places her second hand on my head, scratching it in a comforting matter. 

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