- Drunk - SJ+EO

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Name: Lea Kayle Johansson-Olsen
Age: 15

Parents: Scarlett Johansson (mother, mama) & Elizabeth Olsen (mother, momma/mom)
Siblings: none

Plot summary: Request by: kissankapalat :

Plot summary: Request by:  kissankapalat :

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>> Hope it's what you wanted <3

... Words :) (not spellchecked, sorry)
TW: alcohol > drunk , some cussing


Okay, I never laughed so hard in my life. I swear I'm going to pee in my pants from laughing. Let me explain why.

I was at the Astroid City premiere with Momma and Mama since Mama played in it. I don't get to come to these often because they don't want me in the media but after a lot of begging, they allowed me to come if I stayed backstage. I agreed with that because I don't like to have my picture taken, not even in a pretty outfit. At home, Momma did make sure she had a picture of me in this suit because it fitted me so well and I looked a lot like Mama.

The movie was awesome and Mama rocked it again. We went to the after-party and Mama wore this pretty Green dress, as Momma wore a pretty dress. I was still in the same suit, why change? This suit was expensive enough to make it through the whole night.

We were going to take the car back, so they both could drink alcohol. Normally they have a limit or discuss who is going to be the one that drinks a little too much, but I guess they didn't do that today. I was just done talking with Maya when I decided to look for my moms. I looked around and found them on one of the couches. The couch was big but of course, Momma was seated on Mama's lap sideways. They shared a kiss before looking around. When they saw me approach them they smiled widely and patted the spot next to them.

''Hey, lovey,'' Mama says as I sit down and she kisses my head.

''Hello, you two. Are you both drunk?''

''WERE NOT DRUNK'' She says in defense, clearly drunk. I laugh but I try to catch momma as she almost falls off Mama's lap.

I catch her a little so her head doesn't hit the ground and Mama is laughing her ass off. I swear I never heard her laugh so hard.

''Omg, mom are you alright?'' I ask as tears fill her eyes.

''You call me Mom?'' She asks pointing at herself and I sign. She is never used to that. I always used to call her Lizzie or Liz but after a few years, I call her mom. At first, it was Lizzie and Mom in a combination but over time it's just Mom. The first time I called her momma she cried, and now every time she is drunk (it doesn't happen a lot) she cries because she thinks it's so special.

''Yes, I call you mom, or momma''

''OMG, I love you so much, my sweet girl,'' she says as she throws herself at me and I hug her back. When I turn I see that Mama is crying too.

''Mama, why are you crying?''

''It just means so much to me you accepted this Lizard in our family like that,'' She sobs and I laugh at her. I give her a quick hug before Momma sits back on Mama's lap and they are basically crying in each other's arms, I can't help but laugh at them.

''Okey, I think it's time to go home,'' I say as I see I need to be the adult here now and they nod.

Getting to the car is a disaster. Mama tried to carry Mom, which obviously didn't work and then they both lost their shoes so they went to find them. I was holding their shoes... When we finally arrived at the car, the driver helped Mama in as I helped Mom. He laughed at me and wished me good luck with them before getting behind the wheel.

The drive home was a little wild. Mom threw up multiple times and Mama was laughing at her. I just tried my best to take care of both of them but what do I know? At home, the driver again helped Mama out of the car as I helped Mom. He wished me luck again and I thanked him. Mama tried to open the door with her key but it didn't work. She fell over and again laughed her ass off. Then Mom tried but she fell on top of Mama, at which Mama made a nasty comment that almost made me throw up.

''Since when are you top?'' Mama asked Mom as she fell on top of her.

''Since you laid down first'' Mom answers and I quickly opened the door.

''DOOR IS OPEN'' I yelled not looking at them. They both tried to get up but of course, they were clumsy as fuck so I helped them. They wanted to do so many things and I was so tired.

''ENOUGH, WE'RE GOING TO BED, STAIRS NOW,'' I yell as I have no idea where they ran off they. Within seconds they are next to me and I smile at that. ''Good girls'' I say and Mom turns red, my god, horny fuckers.

''You're going to be a great mom, you already have the voice for it,'' Mama says and I shake my head.

''I'm 15, no thank you, now let's go,'' I say and point to the stairs. They both nod and stumble up the stairs. I laugh at them and they also giggle away. When we finally get upstairs and in their bedroom, the next challenge is changing them. I pick out two sets of pj's and give it to them, I walk out to give them some privacy and change into my own pj's. When I walk back I'm met with yelling.


''NO YOU''



''oil, you guys are married, change in front of each other.'' I say as I walk in, they both shake their heads. ''why not?''

''Because she is horny'' They say at the same time with pouts on their face.

''OMG, I can't with you two, Mama come on let's go. Momma you okay in here alone?'' I ask and she nods. I take Mama into the bathroom and help her change since she is definitely more drunk than Mom. Mama and I walk back into the bedroom after she brushed her teeth and Mama starts laughing very hard, I turn to Momma and see her stuck in her pj's and clothes. How the fuck did that happen. Mama is on the ground, holding her belly as she laughs again.

''Oh, god, Mom how?''

''I don't know, help me?'' She mumbles behind her shirt, she tried to put her head in the sleeve, but that didn't work of course. I help her and within seconds she is dressed, I help her to the bathroom so she can also brush her teeth. While she is doing that I help Mama into the bed.

After Mom, is done I put her into bed and tuck her in a bit, like she always does with me and kiss her head before walking back to Mama to do the same. She has other plans tho as her hands go to my waist and throw me in bed with some force at which both Mom & mama laugh. Both the laughing woman snuggles into me.

''Uhm, can I go to my own bed?'' I ask

''NO'' They both yell.

''I want you close, I'm so honored you call me momma!'' Mom says as he kisses my head and changes position so my head is laying on her chest.

''And I'm honored to be your daughter,'' I say back and the holds me tight.

''And I'm most lucky to have both of you,'' Mama says while she hugs me from behind. It's really nice to be in both of their holds.

''Goodnight loves." Mama says

"Goodnight cuddlebugs." momma says

"Goodnight moms" I say as we fall asleep. I hope their hangover isn't to bad tomorrow

Published: July 31st, 2023

The 25th one shot is celebrated with a Scarlizzie special! :)

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