My hoodie - SJ

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Name: Lea Kayle Johansson
Age: 5

Parents: Scarlett Johansson (mother)
Siblings: X

Plot summary: Scarlett comes home with her outset hoodie but what happens when she leaves it alone with her five year old?...

Requests are coming still! Don't worry I will write them all but the new Outset hoodie gave me this idea :)

1683 Words :) (not spellchecked, sorry)


Mama has been gone this whole day. I miss her so much. She gave me some breakfast this morning but left shortly after. Don't worry I'm not alone. I'm with my babysitter Christel and she is super nice! She gave me more candy than Mama does and played with me this whole day!

Mama plays a lot with me too but Christel a little bit more. We just had some lunch that she made. It was awesome and very very good.

''So, shall we give you a bath, you cheeky girl?'' Christel asks me, and I shake my head. I don't want a bath. I get off my chair and run around the house with Christel following me. I'm not very fast but I can crawl under stuff and she can't. I dodge her a few times but she catches me as I want to hide under the coffee table. She lifts me up and throws me in the air as I giggle. ''Bath timeeeeeeee'' she says in a happy voice before carrying me upstairs. I protest a little but I know I won't win this fight. wait, maybe I can...

''Mama wanted to give me a bath so she would be mad,'' I say trying to sound serious. She looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

''Well, let's ask her.'' She says and my eyes widen. Nonononono. I mean Mama didn't exactly tell me that. Christel grabs her phone and clicks on the Facetime button. I can stop her but on the other hand, if she facetimes Mama I can see her for a bit so I keep my mouth shut. The phone rings a few times before Mama picks up and I see her beautiful face.

''Hi, Christel. What's up?'' She says with a smile before she turns her head to the screen ''And hello my baby, what can I do for you two?'' She says with a wider smile.

''Well, this cheeky girl told me you wanted to bathe her so I'm just checking because she got a bit dirty during lunch,'' Christel explains and I hear Mama laugh.

''Well, I didn't tell her that but if Lea promises to let me give her a bath when I'm home she can get out of it now,'' Mama says and I shake my head up and down really fast. ''Okay, I'll take that as an answer but Lea please let Christel clean you up a bit.''

''Okay Mama, I promise,'' I tell her and she nods.

''Okay, now I did want to text you and tell you I'll be home in an hour or two. Now I know it's a little early.'' Mama says. I'm so happy she is getting home earlier, I always miss her loads.

''That's okay ms. Johansson,'' Christel says.

''It's Scarlett, please. How many times do I have to tell you that, hon? But you're welcome to stay for dinner and I'll pay you for the hours I requested.'' Mama says to Christel.

''That's okay, thank you, Scarlett. I'll tell my girlfriend to pick me up a little earlier.''

''Okay, well I will see you both in a few hours. And you, baby, be good''

''I'm always good, Mama.''

''Mhh, that's true. I love you''

''Love you!'' I say before we hang up. Christel carries me to the bathroom and for once I let her clean my face. It's annoying but I promised Mama.

One Shots SJ & EO x daugtherWhere stories live. Discover now