- Tattoo's - SJ

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Name: Lea Kayle Johansson
Age: 19
School: college

Parents: Scarlett Johansson (mother) and Colin Jost (step-dad)
Siblings: Rose (8), Cosmo (1)

Plot summary: Lea gets her first tattoo.

1216 Words :)





I want a tattoo. 

I wanted one for a while now. 

I don't know why I haven't gotten one yet. 

I want so many tattoo's I don't know which one to get first. 

Last night I was drunk and made an appointment at a tattoo store. Now I am here and panicking but let's look at how I got here.


I was at a dorm party of someone I don't even know. Lyn got invited by her boyfriend and dragged me along. I didn't care I love parties. I was on a Thursday so I drank a lot seeing I had Friday off. 

''Lyn, I want a tattoo'' I slur to my best friend. She laughs and shakes her head at me. I have been wanting a tattoo since we met.

''Then get one Lea. Just get one.''

''But how will my mom react?''

''Who cares?''

''I care, Lyn.''

''Just get one Lea. You will love it. And so will your mom .''

''Fine'' I say pulling out my phone and making an appointment at the tattoo shop I had my eyes on for a while. After that I got on Pinterest and looked at some tattoos to get, running all of them by Lyn, who was no help at all.


I finally found a cool design that has meaning. I show the tattoo artist and he gets started on the design while I try to calm myself down. 

Okay, let me tell you something. People always say getting a tattoo doesn't hurt. Well, it fucking does. It hurts like hell. But I like it. I am happy with the result and I think I will be back at the shop soon. On my way back to my dorm I'm already looking at new designs. 

Annoying person
Hey honey, are you still coming home this weekend?

Shit, shit, shit. I totally forgot I planned to go home this weekend. I was hoping to hide this for a bit longer. I kind off do want to go home this weekend. It had been a while. I miss them all. 

Lea <3
Hey mom, yes I could come. Let me see if there are any flights out there tonight. 

Oh, there's a plane with one seat left in a few hours, I will get that one if that's ok?

Annoying person
Of course, that's okay, honey.  Just text me the details and I will pick you up at the spot like always! <3

I book the ticket and gather my stuff, packing an extra hoody to hopefully hide the tattoo. I call a cab, text Lyn about my absents this weekend, and leave my room. 

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