- Meeting my girlfriend - SJ

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(A/N Make sure you have read part 1; - first girlfriend – SJ because this is part 2 of that story !!)

(The next part of the Instagram story - EO  will be posted in two days :)!)

Name: Lea Kayle Johansson
High school

Parents: Scarlett Johansson (mother) & Colin Jost (stepdad, we call him dad)
Rose & Cosmo

Plot summary: Part 2 of 'first girlfriend'. Lea's parents meet her girlfriend for the first time

2616 Words :)

TW: self-doubt



''So Lea, you never answered me. When am I meeting this girl?''

''Scarlett, I think you mean to ask; when are WE meeting this girl?'' I laugh at dad antics and think for a moment before answering.

''Uhm we have planned to do something tomorrow after school if you guys are home she could come over for dinner and we can order Thai food,'' I ask hopefully.

''Sounds lovely sweetie. Go ask her.'' I give mom and dad a kiss on their cheek to say thank you for everything and run upstairs. I jump on my bed and facetime my beautiful girlfriend.



I'm so happy I finally came out to my parents. They were nothing but supportive and loving. After that conversation with my parents, I ran to my room and called Emily. I told her everything in detail and asked if she wanted to come over the next day. We decided to spend the afternoon together at our spot and be at my home for dinner.

When Rose came home I told her to. We were all sitting in the living room and we decided to watch a movie. Rose and I were picking one out and mom & dad were getting some snacks and drinks.



Small flashback to telling Rose. Lea POV still

Rose decided very quickly to watch Moana. I love that movie so I was fine with it. We were talking about her day.

''So, Lea how was your day?'' she asked me after she was done talking. I thought for a second.

''It was good, school was boring of course but after school, I talked to mom and dad a lot so it was great.'' I think that was a good answer.

''' What did you talk about with mama and Colin?'' this kid is really curious. Should I tell her? She will find out tomorrow anyways, so why not? Right?

''Lea? Did I say something that upset you?'' curious and sweet.

''No bubs, I was just thinking. I talked to them about my girlfriend.'' I mumble a bit. What if Rose doesn't think it's okay? I mean an 8-year-old knows what it all means and stuff.

''Okay cool. Who's your girlfriend?''

''Uhm, Emily. She's in my school. Not my class. She is lovely. You will meet her tomorrow actually!''

''REALLY?'' Rose says excitedly. Nah she is fully screaming, to be honest. And jumping on the couch. I just laugh at her. I can't believe I was so worried about telling everyone.

''Why are you yelling Rosie? ... And jumping on the couch?'' Mom asks while walking into the room again.


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