76.2. At Peace - Part 2

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"Your Majesty, the Clawfang ambassador Minoes," Luviael announces solemnly and lets the Ambassador in.

She's very different from Emi apart from the fact that Emi is a fox and Minoes resembles a house cat with warm light-brown fur and fiery orange eyes. It's their minds—their temperament couldn't have been more different. Minoes is indeed as wild as a female Clawfang alpha gets, but where Emi is reserved and strict, Minoes is affectionate and chill.

"No animals in the Royal Office," Vermiel frowns at her.

Only now I notice that there's a black cat following her like a second shadow.

"That's okay, Vermiel, I allow it," I wave my hand and watch the cat curiously. I get to witness Clawfang legendary beast taming in action!

"Your Majesty," Minoes bows to me while the cat timidly hides behind her legs. Is it afraid of me? Sadly, Minoes is also rather fearful despite her otherwise confident personality.

"Please, sit down," I tell her and she slowly takes the chair in front of my desk, putting the cat on her lap. "Does it understand your commands?" I ask to make some small talk first.

"He does," Minoes confirms with a careful smile, studying me. "It took me some time to train him, but it wasn't that difficult. I had him long before the Great Evolution started, so we have been bonded already."

"How do you communicate with him?" I'm super-curious at this point which finally relaxes Minoes. She never expected a Celestial to be genuinely interested in beast taming.

"I can perfectly understand his body language and the sounds he's making," Minoes explains. "And I smell more like him than humans now. I instinctively know how to motivate him to learn new things faster and he naturally likes to follow me around."

"Fascinating," I'm impressed. "Can you train any animal?"

"There are limits," Minoes admits. "Prey animals are generally afraid of us, but we bond well with feline, canine, vulpine, ursine and other predatory mammal species. Not birds or lizards, though. I guess because our smell and way of thinking are too different. But maybe Celestials could give birds a try?"

"Not likely," I shake my head. "We don't have a habit of keeping pets and taming birds wouldn't give us any advantage. I think the Dragonkin might try bonding with lizards, but they aren't great with animals either. I suppose the title of beast tamers belongs to Clawfangs exclusively."

"Beast taming is certainly starting to trend among my people," Minoes nods. "Cats, dogs, foxes, bears, wolves... all those species respond to us naturally. I wonder if we will be able to tame Draconian animals. Should they appear, of course."

"Draconian animals?" Erik puts his hand on my shoulder, puzzled.

"There weren't only hostile monsters ingame," I explain to him. "Some Draconian creatures were rather friendly and Clawfangs were taming them."

Minoes then tells me about her upcoming travel plans. Whereas Rien will remain stationed in our headquarters, Minoes will act as the ambassador for the EU and travel a lot. However, she will be coming back regularly to report.

"I was appointed to be your connection to Clawfangs and directly serve the Draconian government," Minoes states clearly. "Emi is still my Supreme Alpha, nothing changes about that, but I'm willing to take orders from Your Majesty, provided they aren't in opposition to my Alpha's wishes."

I quickly check her feelings. Clawfangs are notoriously known for not taking orders from anybody who isn't a proven alpha and definitely not other races, but Minoes doesn't mind taking orders from me specifically. It seems she considers me a valid equivalent to the Alpha.

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