92.2. Arrival - Part 2

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Everything proceeds a bit too fast for me to analyse properly. In just a few minutes, we leave the ship and we find ourselves on a runway, surrounded by buildings from all sides. Nebula's premises would be a typical complex of administrative buildings and small factories if it weren't for all those small details that make the place look alien.

I notice something that looks like a levitation platform transporting huge containers, almost everything is in the Divementis writing and, most importantly, the workers here are Divementis. I'm surprised to see quite a few human faces in the crowd of onlookers, but then I remember that my Mom also used to work here. I guess even the mighty Divementis need help from the locals to survive.

My father tells us to follow him. We navigate the complex and enter one of the super modern administrative buildings. All the buildings here have human architecture, most probably so that the Divementis don't attract unwanted attention from the orbit.

"Knowing that Celestials love heights, we reserved the top three floors just for Your Majesty and your entourage," Nyx explains. "I'm afraid your companions will have to share rooms, but everybody should fit comfortably. We didn't have much time to prepare, but we managed to adjust some furniture to your specific needs."

"That's... more generous than we expected," I admit hesitantly. "Are we given autonomy here?"

"Yes," Nyx nods. "Normally, we would assign guards to protect our Crown Prince, but your battle mages should be more than enough."

"We are," Soren speaks up and orders his subordinates to start checking all rooms immediately and take positions.

"Still," Nyx coughs, "we will be sending our people here to clean the rooms and deliver you food. We kindly ask for your cooperation."

I assure her that we will cooperate and then she shows us our apartment. The guards check it thoroughly before they let us come in. I'm pleasantly surprised that we have three rooms at our disposal. The apartment might not be as big as our entire floor in the Draconian skyscraper, but it isn't shabby either. The living area is spacious enough for holding meetings and there's a smaller study.

"Have a good rest, son, we will start in the morning," my father tells me and simply leaves, just like that.

"That went surprisingly smoothly," Liana comments when the last Divementis disappears. "They're trying hard to build mutual trust by giving us some freedom here."

"Your Majesty, Your Excellency, we checked all three floors and didn't find anything suspicious," Soren comes with a report. "We're getting settled and I stationed the first guard shift."

"Are we really safe here?" Liana asks anxiously, still gently touching my feathers to benefit from my telepathic protection.

"I think so," I nod. "Go rest, Li. Who knows what awaits us tomorrow."

"Okay, my apartment is just next door," she reminds me and leaves to settle as well.

"My Emperor, Cien is unpacking and Dalia is preparing a bath for you and your Consorts," Ayala informs us. "You will have to squeeze a bit, but the bath should be large enough."

"Let's check the bedroom," Erik pushes me for a little tour.

"Right, I worry about the bed size," Gotrid chews his lip.

We find Cien already there and stuffing our clothes into the wardrobes. The Divementis obviously didn't have time to custom-made a bed that would fit two Celestials and one human, but they did their best and put two double beds together. There's not much space left in the room as a result, but it should be reasonably comfortable like that.

Draconia Offline vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now