88.2. The Other Way Around - Part 2

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I stay connected to Erik the whole night and I have another dream about flying. I wake up a few moments before him, our minds in perfect synchronicity. I'm glad that he could experience my dream once again because he seemed to enjoy it.

I gently push Gotrid's wing aside, sit up, lean over Erik and use this rare opportunity that I woke up earlier to greet him with a kiss on his forehead. Erik, slowly awakening, smiles widely. His hands trap me and he pulls me to his chest.

"Sorry that I scared you," he says. "I don't know what followed after I collapsed, but I imagine that you must have made a scene."

"You bet I did," I hug him tight. "Why didn't you say anything when you started feeling dizzy?"

"I didn't want to interrupt the meeting," he sighs. "Besides, I didn't think it was that serious until my vision went dark. I'm glad that I somehow managed to pull through the whole meeting and the Japanese delegates didn't see it."

"Stupid, you're more important to me than some meeting," I scold him.

"I didn't say anything exactly because I know that," he caresses my hair. "We needed that meeting to go smoothly, it was super important."

"Oh, you're both up already?" Gotrid yawns and pulls his right wing behind his back. His chin is leaning against Erik's shoulder, but Erik doesn't protest.

I quickly analyse his emotional state. He's slightly annoyed with Gotrid, but mainly out of habit. Will the time come when I get to witness my two partners kissing each other? That mere idea arouses me.

"Seriously, Ryuu?" Erik rolls his eyes and my human name slips out of his lips, but I don't mind. It sounds playful coming from Erik and I want to keep using it as my nickname in private.

"Forget about working today," I straighten myself, sitting on him. "You will be only resting for the whole day."

"As you command, my Emperor," he laughs.

"Oh, now you listen to my orders?" I click my tongue. "What about yesterday when you insisted that you don't have to because you're not a Celestial?"

"Let bygones be bygones," Gotrid chuckles, sits up as well and embraces us with his wings. "Since we're up and we have a day off, what about..."

"Your Majesty, Royal Consorts, are you awake?" Ayala asks from behind the door. They are paper-thin, literally, so the question was only rhetorical. She might not have heard what exactly we're talking about, but she must have heard our voices.

"Damn, no privacy anywhere," Gotrid swears.

"Noage is here to check on Lord Erik," Ayala continues. "Can he come in?"

I sigh, push Gotrid's wings aside and free Erik. Since we fell asleep almost fully clothed, I don't have to worry about looking for a nightrobe.

"Your Majesty," Noage bows when the maid lets him in. "How is the Royal Consort feeling?"

"I feel okay," Erik waves his hand. "I just didn't get enough sleep, that's all."

"That's not all, you collapsed from overworking," I nudge him. "Noage, please, examine him thoroughly."

Erik is looking dissatisfied when Noage attaches his rooty tentacles to his forearm, but he has to hold.

"At least you know how we feel every time you faint," Erik comments venomously. "Now, it's the other way around."

I sigh. He has a point. If that's how Erik and Gotrid feel when I'm injured or hurting (and that happens to me a lot), it's not to be taken lightly. I don't want to make them feel like that too often. Preferably never, but, in my case, that's impossible to accomplish.

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