99.2. Family Bonds - Part 2

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I wake up rested as never before. I don't know what my father did, but he managed to shut the parts of my brain that were always active so I could truly rest. Erik and Gotrid are both sleeping deeply and, judging by the soft light coming into the room, it's very early morning.

I slept blissfully for half a day, but the same can't be said for my partners. I fell asleep in the late afternoon, but I doubt they followed me. I bet they were working on their laptops, taking care of some overdue tasks. I kiss Erik's forehead, then carefully turn around, free my wings and kiss Gotrid's forehead as well. I was right, they aren't fully rested yet.

I pass my phone with telekinesis to check the time. It's only half past five. Both Gotrid and Erik are light sleepers so I have to resort to a trick if I don't want to wake them up. I caress their faces, send them my love and try to induce a peaceful state of mind that will continue comforting them when I'm gone.

I don't think the Divementis can make someone fall asleep if that person doesn't want to, but if it's just a matter of comforting someone like a telepathic lullaby, it's not actually that difficult. I carefully slip from their embrace and I have to laugh silently when Erik automatically grabs Gotrid's wing and uses it as a blanket. Brilliant, that should take care of it. I hope Erik won't throw a tantrum when he realises whose wing he's holding.

"Your Majesty?" the guards are startled when I appear in the hall.

"Shh," I shush them and close the door behind me. "Let my husbands sleep, they need to rest."

I hope for a quiet introverted morning so I'm surprised when I find Advin and Nala in the lounge, working already. They are sitting around a low table on cushions in a very Japanese way. Do they have to follow me like a second shadow? Did my father order them to do so?

"Your Highness!" they are taken aback to see me so early and use my Divementis title. They quickly stand up and bow. I don't like to see my cousins bowing to me, but I don't think that I would be able to talk them out of it.

"How many hours do the Divementis need to sleep?" I tilt my head.

"Nine, the same as Celestials," Nala says. "We just went to sleep early last night because we couldn't be of use to Your Highness."

"What are you working on?" I eye their laptops.

"The training regimen for you and your partners," Advin explains.

"My partners as well?" my frown. "They have too much work as it is. With me spending most of my time with my father, they will have to take care of politics and administration."

"Lord Erik will be spending most of his time plugged in VR," Nala corrects me. "If you want him to transform as soon as possible, he will be either training in the game or having me alter his perception. You will have to leave politics to the Viceroy."

"And Gotrid?" I sit down on a cushion and wave at them to do the same. I hope to have a proper conversation with them. The ground is spotless and the carpet under the table is fluffy so I don't have to worry about staining my wings.

"As your bonded partner, he's expected to train with you," Advin says, making himself comfortable. "He might not be a Divementis, but he's still a Draconian. Our uncle thinks that magical dual-casting has great potential if done with perfect telepathic coordination."

"I know, I've tried that already," I nod.

"Not only that. We've never trained non-telepaths with our methods, but we believe that your consort might help you even on a telepathic level," Nala reveals. "Acting as an anchor and your balancer in case of telepathic attacks."

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