100.2. Reconciliation - Part 2

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"A pod? Why do I have to lie in a pod?" Erik protests when Nala shows him the VR device he's going to be plugged in. "Ryuu could deep dive from his bed."

"You'll also need to wear this," Nala hands him a futuristic-looking overall. "I'm sorry, but it's necessary. You'll be spending in VR twelve hours a day. There won't be any time for lunch, bathroom breaks or exercise. The suit will be stimulating your muscles and absorbing liquids."

"Twelve hours a day without any breaks," Gotrid shudders. "Not even the most hardcore gamers do that."

"Since we want Lord Erik to transform as soon as possible, it's the only way," Nala says and sends Erik into a cabin so that he can change clothes.

"Is it really safe, Nala?" I'm starting to have doubts.

"It's safe with that suit," she assures me. "Also, we'll be monitoring Lord Erik's health all the time. You have nothing to fear, Your Highness."

Erik returns and looks surprisingly sexy. The suit isn't very different from his helicopter overall and he has the perfect body type for it.

"I can't imagine peeing in that, though," he still complains.

"Like astronauts," Gotrid smirks.

"Don't worry, Royal Consort, you won't know a thing," Nala tries to comfort him. "Your mind will be fully in VR and the suit will take care of your body functions. There are sensors installed so we will know immediately should anything be amiss."

Erik sighs, but his determination doesn't waver. He lies down in the pod and Nala puts a VR helmet on his head. It's a model I have never seen before, probably an advanced prototype that's not on the market.

"Starting the combability analysis," Nala begins the procedure. "Please, don't be startled if you lose consciousness for a few seconds, Lord Erik."

We're waiting nervously for the results. It's estimated that 20% of the population isn't able to full-dive at all. Fortunately, it's usually only older people, but Erik never liked VR to begin with.

"Compatibility level 67%," Nala announces and we're all relieved. "Not great, not terrible, but it's a solid start. Have you tried VR before, Lord Erik?"

"A few times when I was a teenager, but I always hated the experience. Does it mean that my transformation will take longer?" Erik sounds dissatisfied with the number.

"Not necessarily," Nala calms him down. "Once your brain gets used to VR, your compatibility level should gradually go up. I can help you get a more pleasurable experience if you let me."

"Erik, VR isn't so bad," I smile at him encouragingly. "It's like being in a dream, but with full control."

"Says someone whose compatibility was 100%," Gotrid coughs. "67% is barely enough for hardcore RPG gaming."

"I don't care, I'm doing it," Erik says resolutely. "Oh, by the way, can I choose my avatar?"

"Sure, but we should keep your facial features the same for better immersion," Nala nods.

"Have you decided on your wing colour and pattern?" I'm curious. "Go for anything you like, I don't have preferences."

"You don't?" he doesn't believe me. "Gotrid's wings arouse you."

"The bone structure of your future wings will be based on your current physique so I expect a fabulous result," I poke him. "As for colour, I really don't care. Everything is more interesting than my boring snow white."

"Dummy, you have the most beautiful pair of wings," Erik rolls his eyes. "I'll probably take forever in the character creation, is that okay? After all, I'll be choosing my new body."

"Take your sweet time," I lean over and kiss him deeply. "Just remember that regardless of what you decide to go for, it will still be you."

"Initialising the full dive," Nala says.

I watch as Erik's body goes numb and his consciousness travels to the world of Draconia Online for the very first time. I remember how excited I was when Draconia launched and I started playing it on day one. Erik might not like video games, but I have no doubt he will fall in love with Draconia eventually.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, your husband is in good hands," Nala assures me.

She lies next to my beloved, clutches his hand and closes her eyes. She doesn't have to put on a VR helmet because she will be experiencing the game through Erik's mind. I keep watching them for a little longer until Advin comes to fetch us, reminding me that we have a packed schedule.

Draconia Offline vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now