86.3. Owing an Explanation - Part 3

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"Okay, so here's the strangest thing ever," Erik says when he wakes up in the morning.

"What thing?" I yawn and I'm happy to find out that my headache is gone entirely. Gotrid is also slowly waking up, we're perfectly synchronised.

"I think I was experiencing your dream, hon," he says and caresses my hair.

"Oh?" I'm wide awake all of a sudden. "What did you see?"

"Not only see," he says. "I could feel what it's like to have wings and fly. Do you always fly in your dreams?"

"Yeah, mostly," I nod.

"Me too," Gotrid seconds. "What else should a Celestial dream about?"

"I don't know, normal stuff," Erik shrugs. "Dreams rarely make sense."

"Well, I do sometimes dream about nonsense, but I always have wings in them," I shrug. "You were lucky to see one of my carefree dreams. Did you like it?"

"I loved it," he smiles. "As I said already, if I played Draconia Online, I would definitely pick a Celestial."

I want to ask if he regrets that he didn't play Draconia Online, but I know it's a sore topic. Erik isn't a gamer, he considers video games to be a waste of time or a quirky hobby at best. Still, it will probably never stop bothering me—does he regret that he didn't transform into a Draconian?

I never really felt a real regret from him, but I do sometimes sense a strange undertone in his subconscious every time he can't accompany me because he doesn't have wings and can't do magic. He doesn't feel inferior being human, but, at the same time, he's painfully aware of his limitations.

"It was a really interesting feeling," Erik continues and stretches his hand to rub his back. "The experience was dreamy, but I could vividly feel having wings. I've always wondered what that feels like."

"I can let you share my dreams more often," I propose.

"That would be nice," he nods and gets more serious. "Since you're mostly recovered already, I'm afraid you will have a lot of explaining to do today, love."

"I guess," I lower my head.

I'm not looking forward to it at all. My partners might have forgiven me after our making love, but the same can't be said about Liana and the rest of the Celestials. Their priority is to protect their embodiment of magic and I was kind of sabotaging that for days. Now that everyone in the mansion is awake, I can feel their discontent.

I eat breakfast but only because my partners force me. My stomach is tight, I'm nervous about facing my subjects. I wasn't exactly lying to them, but I was hiding important facts. No wonder they are angry with me. I would also be angry if I found out that, for instance, Liana was hiding something super important from me.

Dalia, my new Japanese maid, dresses me into a beautiful robe with embroidered petals, which I got as a gift from the Japanese, and styles my hair with a traditional hairpin. My attire suddenly got a Japanese vibe and I really like it.

But then I realise that I'm not actually Japanese. I was born here, but only because my father chose this country to best suit the Divementis in their disguise. There's nothing Japanese in me just as there's nothing human in me.

"Love," Gotrid takes my hand. "You just started to feel sad for some reason."

"Because all of this," I touch my robe, "reminds me that I'm not actually Japanese. I never was."

"You were born here," Erik adjusts his tie and also hurries to take my hand. "It's okay to feel that this is your homeland."

I nod. Half-alien or not, I was born in Japan.

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