94.1. The Enemy Unveiled - Part 1

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For several long moments, I have no idea what I'm looking at. The holographic image is floating in front of me, showing us an alien being which the Divementis call the Enemy. I don't know what I was expecting, to be honest. Probably just another alien race that is technologically more advanced than Draconians since they can travel through dimensions. Definitely not... 'that'.

"That's the Enemy," my father repeats as if we haven't heard him the first time. "The emphasis on a singular and a capital letter."

Everybody is too shocked to react. I feel Erik almost crushing my left hand and Gotrid is desperately trying to calm himself by clutching my feathers. I keep staring at the projection, dumbfounded. The Enemy... that... thing... isn't even remotely humanoid.

If I had to compare it to anything I knew to get my head around it, I would have to go back to twentieth-century horror fiction, especially H. P. Lovecraft's myth of Cthulhu. And that would still be too humanoid and friendly-looking compared to the Enemy.

"How b-big is that thing?" I manage to ask, stuttering.

"We don't have a precise measurement because we've never seen it stretch, but we guess around sixty metres in this state," Sythara says.

I gulp and study its countless tentacles and numerous red glowing eyes. I don't see any mouth, but I don't doubt it's there somewhere, hidden and lurking. How does something monstrous like this even move? How does it build things?

"As you already know, the Enemy is also telepathic," my father continues. "It controls the monsters who serve it. In case you're wondering, monsters aren't a natural part of Draconia's fauna. They came with the Enemy through the rifts."

I try to imagine how hellish the Enemy's home dimension must be to give birth to something like this. That being isn't some magical mystical creature. It must have undergone evolution just as Draconians and humans.

"And you expect Ryuuto to fight that thing?!" Erik loses it. "He would be squished like an ant instantly!"

"Of course not," my father shakes his head. "Not directly I mean. The Enemy is extremely sturdy, cutting off a few tentacles accomplishes nothing. Trust me, the Dragonkin and Clawfangs tried to attack it head-on many times. Besides, it's protected by a hoard of ferocious monsters. The only method of defeating it is to invade its very mind and kill it telepathically."

"What's its objective?" Liana finally manages to catch her breath and her analytical thinking kicks back in.

"We never had an actual chat with it, there was never any room for negotiations even though the Enemy did learn our language," Nyx speaks up. "Still, it's obvious that the Enemy is after resources and dominance. We assume that its home dimension must have been rough, but one species was able to merge into one super consciousness. When it invented dimensional travel, it started jumping from one dimension to another, conquering, feeding and taking what it needed."

I recall when the Enemy invaded my mind. If I didn't pull back immediately and didn't receive basic telepathic training, it would kill me almost instantly and I had the Royal bloodline. I can't imagine a regular Divementis standing a chance.

"Son, we do have a real chance now," my father assures me because he can see the panic in my eyes. "We've been working relentlessly on bringing back extinct Draconian races and this time we are sure to cooperate. We've been also working on a technology capable of shielding our minds from its telepathic influence. Last but not least, we have you now."

"How could I make a difference?" I shudder. "I'm just a bit stronger telepath than other Divementis."

"You're not just a bit stronger, Your Majesty," Nyx claims vehemently. "You managed to talk to the Enemy and not go insane. We estimated that with the combined power of all revived Draconian races, we had a 20% chance of winning. With you, it might be 40%. You raised the odds astronomically."

"Your Highness," Chancellor Sythara addresses me with my Divementis title, "after we learned about your existence and confirmed your strength, we re-evaluated the entire battle plan. With you leading the united Draconian forces, our chances might go even higher than 40%. For the first time ever, we have real hope."

"I...," my throat gets dry and my heart is beating wildly. Are they really putting all their hope on me?! 20% without me, 40% with me. The odds are still against us no matter how I look at it. I do want to protect Draconians, but when I look at the Enemy, confidence leaves me. My legs start shaking and it's suddenly hard to breathe.

"I think our Emperor is having a panic attack!" Gotrid raises an alarm and pushes me to his chest before I lose balance.

"I need... air...," I gasp for breath.

They somehow get me into the elevator, my partners trying to calm me down without much effect. I do feel less dizzy when a breeze blows into my feathers, but I can't shake off the dread. All this time I thought that we were going to fight an alien species similar to us or maybe resembling ingame monsters, but the Divementis want me to fight a 60-metre-tall telepathic Cthulhu himself?!

"You aren't alone in this, son," my father squeezes through the Celestials who flocked in panic around me and puts his hand on my right wing. "I might not have been there for you when you were growing up, but I am here now."

I realise that this is the first time he has ever touched me, but I can't stop my mind from automatically connecting to him. I expect him to have his mental shield up and repel me so it takes me by surprise when I effortlessly access his mind.


"You're not afraid of me?" my father asks a young woman with blue eyes and messy red hair who is standing in front of him. He just revealed his true appearance to her and she didn't even flinch.

"No," she answers confidently. "I knew you were an alien."

"Knowing and actually seeing are two different things," he studies her intently. "Besides, we're telepaths. Aren't you afraid I'm going to invade your mind?"

"Can you erase my memories? Or force me to do something against my will?" she asks.

"I can't," he shakes his head, mesmerised by this brave human.

"Then why should I be afraid?" she shrugs. "Sure, I have some embarrassing memories and quirky hobbies, but I have nothing to hide."

"Humans find our appearance unnerving," he points out.

"I find you beautiful," she says cheekily.

The Divementis Emperor ponders. Did she mean the Divementis in general or him? And why is her tone flirty? Does this human have no instinct for self-preservation? She should know by now not only what he is, but also who he is.

"Is my rite of initiation over then? Did I pass?" she tilts her head. "If so, I'd like to move to the Divementis premises immediately and start working on Draconia Online."

"Yes, you passed, Amelia," he smiles. "Come with me."


"Do you feel better, son?" my father pulls his mind back and fortifies himself again. He wanted me to see this particular memory to calm me down.

I take a deep breath and feel my heart slowing down. The worst of a panic attack seems to be over. My beloved partners would be able to calm me down eventually, but certainly not so quickly.

"We're not putting all the responsibility on your shoulders, Aefener," my father assures me. "Yes, our chances increased significantly thanks to your unique abilities, but we still need all Draconians and possibly even humans to back you up. You're not alone in this, far from it."

I look at him and my father doesn't look as alien and unapproachable as he did before. Now I see him for what he truly is—the last leader of a decimated nation desperately struggling for survival who lost his partner and didn't even know that he had a son.

"I'm okay now," I say to Erik and Gotrid. "Let's go back and listen to the rest."

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