84.3. Ryuuto No More - Part 3

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"Your Majesty," Liana's guards bow to me when I appear in front of her suite.

"Open," I say simply and they do.

I confidently enter Liana's lounge, but she isn't there. Then I notice two voices coming from the bedroom—Liana's and Soren's. Oh? The mighty Viceroy who's always on her guard let Soren into her bedroom? Unlike me, the guards don't have to follow her every step so she has much more privacy than me. Letting Soren inside means that she trusts him and doesn't consider him to be only her bodyguard.

"Are things between them finally...," Gotrid smirks, but I shush him.

It might not look very regal, but I sneak closer to the bedroom door, not ashamed of eavesdropping. Erik rolls his eyes, but he's just as eager to find out if something is going on between them. However, after just a few words, it becomes evident that they're talking about me. Damn, Soren, when will you finally make a move on her? Liana is too dumb in this area, but she obviously likes you!

"What if His Majesty hates me now?" Liana sulks and I feel that she's really miserable. I sigh. I didn't mean to crush her spirits, that was never my intention.

"That's impossible, the Emperor loves you. Everybody sees that," Soren tries to comfort her. "You just said something you shouldn't have so he was forced to discipline you."

"I was so stupid," Liana cries. "What was I thinking? Questioning the Emperor's decisions, moreover in front of our guests. I deserved much worse, His Majesty is still too kind."

"That's what we adore about him, don't we?" Soren points out. "Only someone like him can keep our racial vices in check. If it wasn't for him, we would be at war with humans already."

I want to keep eavesdropping a bit longer because it looks like Soren might find some courage and hug her eventually, but then Liana mutters:

"Maybe it would be for the best if I resigned and became a regular state official. This wasn't the first time I was questioning the Emperor," she laments. "I'm too egoistic to be the Viceroy."

That finally forces me out of hiding and I open the door with a loud thud, startling both of them.

"Absolutely not!" I shout, horrified. "I won't accept your resignation, don't you even think about it, Liana."

"Your Majesty!" Liana and Soren jump from the bed and drop to their knees.

"Have I ever said that I don't want you to be my Viceroy?" I purse my lips and spread my wings as much as the room allows.

"N-no," Liana whispers. "B-but..."

"I see that you realised your mistake and regret your actions," I observe. "I forgive you and that concludes the matter. We have a ton of work to do, stand up."

Liana dries her eyes and slowly gets up. She wobbles, so I take pity on her and go for a comforting hug. It wasn't my wish to devastate her like that, but, with her stubborn personality, I had to use harsh words to penetrate her thick skull.

"Li, you dumb," I caress her wings. "I value your advice and opinions, but there is a huge difference between advising me and questioning my direct orders."

"You're right, I was dumb," she says and I can feel her tears wetting my shoulder.

We stay in a feathery embrace for a few long moments until she collects herself. Something significant has changed, though, and our relationship will never be the same again. She might be the person I trust the most to be my deputy and I do love her, but I understand now that I'm the Emperor and she's my Viceroy. I accept that there are certain things I have to sacrifice to be a good ruler—familiarity with my subjects being one of them.

"You're beaming with undeniable authority, Your Majesty," Liana finally manages a smile.

"I had to grow into it," I smile back at her. "I have to admit that I took my time and I was in denial for months. But that's over now, I assure you."

The solemnity of the situation is ruined by my loudly grumbling stomach.

"Let's go for that lunch, I'm starving," I whine and we hurry to the throne room in an elevated mood, knowing that everything is mended between us.


I can't say that I suddenly became thrilled about sitting on the throne, but I don't mind it that strongly anymore. Managing a race of conquest-hungry magic casters will require all the effort I can muster and if they want to see me sitting on the throne, so be it.

"I don't plan to tell the Japanese about my telepathy," I assure everyone present in the throne room. "However, telling them about my father was necessary. Now that they have a clue, they can finally investigate properly. They have the resources we lack."

There's a rustle of fluttering wings in the hall. Everybody is nervous about that.

"What if they somehow find out on their own, Your Majesty?" Vermiel voices his concern on behalf of everybody.

"If they will, I do not doubt that you will protect me," I answer simply, being well aware of what kind of reaction that will provoke in Celestials.

"Of course, we will," Vermiel drops on his left knee in front of me.

"Rest assured, my Emperor," Miruel and Sareash hurry to do the same.

It's strange to think that just a year ago, telling anyone about my telepathy was my biggest fear. First, I told my friends which was a huge leap for me. Then I told all my subjects and it was the most liberating thing I've ever done. I don't think it's smart to tell the whole world because politicians would be too nervous to deal with me but, should it get out, I'm not nearly as terrified as I used to be.

I meet Sareash's eyes to test if I can read her thoughts without direct touch the way I did with Minister Hayashi this morning. I've been able to project my thoughts to Celestials for quite some time now, but reading anyone besides my partners still required a contact.

His Majesty has nothing to be afraid of. He has us protecting him.

So I can do it, it wasn't just a whim. Is it a result of my father's brutal training? Or did I develop it naturally? I hope it stays with eye contact. I don't want to be hearing everyone's thoughts all the time, I'd go crazy for sure. When should I tell them? What if it makes my subjects anxious?

I've been probably staring for too long because Sareash timidly looks down which breaks the connection. I have to find a way how to prevent unwanted mind reading. The Emperor can't be afraid to look people in the eyes and I don't want to be reading everyone just by looking at them. For now, I'll have to try focusing my attention on people's foreheads or noses.

Suddenly, I feel a strange tingling sensation in my feathered limbs. All my instincts start shouting that I should spread my wings and fly in the direction it's pulling me towards. There's no doubt—another monster attack and near.

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