76.3. At Peace - Part 3

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"I'm sorry, love, but there's no sugarcoating it," Erik says strictly when he pushes me onto the hospital bed. "I know you have Celestial metabolism so you don't have to go as often, but you haven't been to the toilet in DAYS."

"I don't feel any urge," I fight with him, but he's much stronger than me so I remain seated.

"There's no way you wouldn't even need to pee," Erik insists. "Let Noage check you and Julia will give you some laxative, no shame in that."

"It will be over before you know it, Your Majesty," Noage approaches me with a kind smile while Julia is already analysing the scans of my digestive system she took just a minute ago. Even with amazing Earthborn abilities, it would do us no good to abandon modern science.

Noage connects to my left arm with his rooty tentacles and is thoroughly analysing me with his eyes closed. At one point, he starts frowning. I get restless, but I don't dare to pry into his mind because I don't want to distract him.

"Is something wrong with our beloved?" Gotrid gets pale when he notices Noage's and Julia's concerned expressions.

"Give us a few more minutes," Julia says, also frowning.

Erik and Gotrid start caressing my wings, more to calm themselves than me. They both hope it's nothing either human medical science or Earthborn healing powers wouldn't solve, but they are nervous nonetheless.

Noage releases his tentacles after twenty long minutes of silent concentration and he relocates to Julia to discuss his findings. I don't think there's anything wrong with me, I feel more than fine, but I do realise that I haven't visited the toilet for several days now and that's certainly unnatural.

"So? Is Ryuu okay?" Erik loses patience when the doctors have been whispering with each other for several minutes.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, we wanted to be sure before telling you," Julia apologises. "We compared our findings and we're pretty sure that you're perfectly healthy. Healthy as someone as unique as you can be."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I don't understand.

"It seems your transformation hasn't quite ended five months ago," Noage explains. "It was very subtle so I overlooked it, but your body kept slightly adapting even after your wings grew to their full size. It's probably the case for all Draconians, but even slower, so it will take months to take effect."

"Long story short, His Majesty's digestive system can transform everything into mana now," Julia summarises. "Everything is getting digested without a trace."

"So... Ryuuto simply doesn't have to go to the toilet anymore? Never again?" Erik widens his eyes.

"It might be the case for all Celestials in a few months," Noage speculates. "Your bodies can't afford to waste even a calorie if you're flying every day and casting spells. It was thought to be impossible for an organism not to excrete, yet living evidence is sitting in this very room. And it's all thanks to your mysterious mana circuit, there's no other explanation."

"That's good news," Gotrid realises. "If we do build Assiath in the real world one day, most of our import will be food. We eat a lot, despite our thin bodies. It would be beneficial if every calorie eaten was transformed into mana and nothing got wasted."

I caress my underbelly. It's a bit weird to imagine that my intestines work differently now and my mana circuit is dissolving everything without a trace there. But I'm healthy according to Celestial standards and that's all that matters in the end.

"So we're going to use the toilet less and less frequently over time until we won't need it at all?" Gotrid concludes, happy about the prospect.

"Probably, still too early to say," Noage shrugs. "As always, your Emperor is first at everything."

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