82.3. Illusive - Part 3

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"Do you want jam or syrup on them, hon?" Erik asks, putting a huge pile of pancakes on the plate in front of me.

"I have a feeling our beloved is salivating for an entirely different reason," Gotrid laughs and leans forward to take a few for himself.

"What, am I too sexy in an apron?" Erik smirks and flirtatiously turns around.

"So sexy," I smile, spread strawberry jam on the first pancake and bite into it. "Are there more?"

"Coming," Erik nods and runs back to the stove. "I made a ton of dough so be sure to eat a lot."

"Who's in charge of washing the dishes today?" I ask, gobbling Erik's delicious pancakes.

"That would be you, love," Gotrid kicks me gently under the table. "There's no flying before the chores."

"But I'm almost always in charge of the dishes," I puff.

"Well, since somebody here can't even boil eggs without devastating the entire kitchen...," Erik starts.

"I like washing the dishes," I quickly take that back. "Can I go flying right afterwards? I need to train for the match."

Erik turns back to me, but his expression gets frozen. I blink, confused, and look at Gotrid. He froze in the middle of putting a fork into his mouth. I want to get up and hurry to them, but the table dissolves and the figures of my beloved follow in just a second.

I cry in horror, but the realisation comes to me almost immediately. None of this was real, it was just a sweet dream—my wishful thinking was projecting an illusion.

"Is that what you wish for?" my father appears next to me. "Normal life?"

"So what!" I retort and take a step away from him.

"Then why are you dressed like that?" he tilts his head and a big mirror materialises in front of me.

"Like what?" I don't understand and check my reflection. I'm wearing a multi-layered royal attire and there's a diamond tiara on my head.

"There's a disharmony between your mundane wishes and how you inevitably see yourself," he says. "You have a mind of a true ruler, but it doesn't quite agree with your personality. I'm afraid you got that from your mother. She was also too kind for her own good."

"Did you make me see that dream to torture me again?" I get angry.

"No, that was all a manifestation of your mind," he shrugs and doesn't seem to be lying. "Now, this is my doing."

He invades my mind with a force much more brutal than ever before. He has no intention to hold back this time and goes after my most cherished memories.


"I just want to buy you a glass of wine, beauty, why are you so evasive?" a man a head taller than me and once my weight is blocking the only way out. "I saw you at the bar, wasting time with losers. Why don't you go on a date with me instead?"

"No, thank you," I say clearly, sensing his dark intentions. The guy is drunk already and just looking for an easy target to hook up with. It was my grave mistake for not noticing that he followed me to the bathroom.

"Come on, I'll show you a good time," the man smirks unpleasantly and grabs my wrist. "Gosh, how many hours a day are you spending on taking care of that pretty face of yours?"

"N-no, l-let go!" I start panicking, but there's no way I'm a match for him. His touch is disgusting and almost makes me vomit when his thoughts hit me. That guy is seriously dangerous.

"Hey, I'm calling the police!" another man suddenly shows up and is holding a phone at his ear. "Hi, I want to report an attempted rape. I'm at the Fiesta bar..."

"Tss," my attacker clicks his tongue, finally lets go of my wrist and runs off.

I sigh in relief and collapse on the floor. My head is spinning from the forced telepathic encounter and I'm not throwing up only because the last meal I had today was breakfast.

"Are you okay?" my saviour drops to his knees. "Sorry, I was only pretending to be calling the police, I didn't have time to dial their number. Phew, I don't believe that worked so well. I was so scared!"

"Thank you," I dry my tears to the sleeve of my hoodie and try to focus my sight in the dimly lit hall. "Who are you?"

"I'm Erik," the man smiles at me encouragingly and I notice how beautiful his green eyes are. "I noticed that guy looking at you strangely and following you when you were passing by my table. Can you stand up?"

He offers me his hand. I'm afraid of another touch, but he isn't grabbing me. He's actually waiting for my consent. I accept his support and he pulls me up. Our bare skin touches and a wave of comfort runs through me. Whoever this person is, he's genuinely a good guy.

"Thanks," I mutter and let go of him hesitantly.

"Can I call you a taxi home?" he smiles at me again. "Don't take me wrong, but I don't think someone like you should be walking alone at night."

"Someone like me?" I frown.

"Sorry, I feel like whatever I might say right now, I will end up no better than that guy I've just chased off," he laughs nervously. "You're too cute, mysterious stranger."

I frown again, but it doesn't make me feel gross hearing it from him.

"That was probably inappropriate," he apologises, waving his hands frantically. "You must still be in shock. Let me call you that taxi."

I study his broad shoulders and neatly cut brown hair as he escorts me through the noisy bar outside. He even stays with me until the taxi arrives. How can his mere presence be so soothing?

"Feel free to blow your nose into it," he says when I get in the car and he hands me a tissue with a number written on it. "But maybe if you ever feel like it, we could meet in some nice café during the day so that you feel safe?"

I'm staring at the number, then I stare at him. He's looking at me, hopeful, but expecting nothing in return for saving me. My chest gets tight, I could be staring into those green eyes for hours.

"Thanks again, Erik," I whisper, recalling his name. "I'm Ryuuto and a huge fan of pumpkin spiced latté."

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