81.2. My Other Heritage - Part 2

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I ask the Japanese maids to prepare a hot bath for us while Ayala takes off my battle armour and Cien helps Gotrid out of his.

"I love you in a kimono," I try to smile as I untie Erik's knot myself.

"You love me naked, you love me in a suit...," Erik laughs, but it's a bit cringy.

We can't stop thinking about what happened. Nobody can. I can feel that everybody is tense. We're not afraid of humans anymore, not even another missile could hurt us because the mansion is protected against that. We're not particularly afraid of monsters anymore either. But I'm afraid of my father and my subjects subconsciously sense that. They realise that he's a real danger to us.

"The bath is ready, Your Majesty," one of the Japanese maids tells us. "Dinner will be served after that if that's okay with you."

"I'm not hungry," I say. "I'd rather go to bed earlier."

"Love, you know we can't allow that," Gotrid frowns. "Come, you will feel better after a bath and hopefully get your appetite back."

I doubt that, but I follow him to the bathroom nonetheless. Naturally, the mansion isn't an outdoor hot spa Japan is so famous for, but the bath still doesn't fail to impress. Three people can fit easily and even our huge wings shouldn't be a problem.

"Japanese bath is quite different from ours," I stop Erik from hopping in. "We should clean ourselves first."

"It's okay, Your Majesty, there's no way we would be reusing the water when it's for you," the Japanese maid, who was helping Erik to put on a kimono earlier, assures us.

"What's your name?" I ask. I remember blessing her and while it's almost impossible for me to forget somebody's telepathic imprint, I'm not very good with names.

"Dalia, Your Majesty," the maid bows. She has very long black hair, grey wings and all her movements are graceful and deliberate.

I'm way past being embarrassed in front of my maids, but Dalia is new and has never seen me naked before. The fact that she was allowed in here means that Liana made her my new permanent maid. I would get angry about it before, way too many things are decided for me. But, honestly, I don't care about trivialities anymore. I simply got a new maid.

"Come, hon," Erik helps me out of the last layer of my robe. It's not like I need help, but Erik likes doing that.

Gotrid throws our clothes to the maids and masterfully covers me with his wings in the process. Then we're finally given some privacy. I can still feel the guards all around us, but walls give some illusionary sense of enclosure even to a telepath.

We dive into the hot water and I land on Erik's chest. Then I spread my wings over the bathtub because I don't want to soak them. Gotrid starts kissing my back.

"Ryuu, don't fall asleep," Erik warns me because he can tell I'm making myself too comfortable on him. "There's no way you're skipping dinner."

"And there's also no way we're skipping making love tonight," Gotrid smirks and squeezes from behind.

"Maybe Ryuuto doesn't feel up to it considering...," Erik says, but I interrupt him.

"I feel up to it exactly for that reason," I puff. "I won't my father's sudden appearances to ruin our precious time together."

"Ryuu, why are you acting as if this is the last time we will able to enjoy ourselves?" Erik gets worried because it's hard for me to hide my fear.

"Is your father giving you such fright?" Gotrid caresses the feathers between my wings. "You're the Celestial Emperor, the most powerful being on Earth and I'm not exaggerating."

Draconia Offline vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now