81.1. My Other Heritage - Part 1

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I immediately put up a mental shield, but my father's mind isn't pushing into mine this time. It seems he's just broadcasting his thoughts to me. I try to search for him in the crowd, but it's hopeless. His presence is like an empty void. How is he doing it? I have an opposite situation—my emotions and thoughts tend to leak out.

I watch you grow stronger, but you still have much to learn, my father says as if we're having a normal conversation. Or do you seriously think you mastered your telepathy yet? You're barely scratching the surface. Your mother's DNA might have diluted our lineage, but the transformation should have awakened all your latent abilities.

"Love? Is something wrong?" Gotrid takes my hand because I froze all of a sudden and my wings started shaking.

We will meet very soon, my son. I encourage you to enjoy Japan because it's the culture I decided to adopt, but don't get too attached to it. After all, you would be kidding yourself if you seriously thought that we're human, let alone Japanese.

"Aefener!" Gotrid panics at this point and envelops me in his wings because even the delegates notice something's amiss and are looking at me with startled expressions.

My father's voice disappears as quickly as it appeared, leaving me with no clue how to follow him. Who knows, his telepathy might be strong enough to cover kilometres. I don't think he would humiliate himself by hiding in the crowd.

"Your Majesty, are you getting dizzy with hunger? We should have given you a snack, it's been ages since lunch," Liana hurries to save the situation even though she doesn't know what's going on. She readily takes a protein bar out of her belt and forces it into my hands.

Aefener, what's wrong? she asks when our hands meet.

My father... he spoke to me just now, I explain and clutch Gotrid.

Are we in danger? she widens her eyes.

I don't think so, I shake my head. He's gone.

Eat that bar, hon, we can't afford to alarm humans, Gotrid insists and helps me unwrap it.

I force myself to eat it, but I don't feel like eating at all. It's just for the show.

"Your Majesty, will you be able to fly?" Gavreel is worried-sick. It seems our little ruse persuaded Celestials as well. Well played, Liana.

"I'm fine now, my head just spun momentarily," I try to sound firm. "My doctors claim that my mana circuit is still developing. Occasional episodes of dizziness can be expected. I will feel better in the air."

"We're departing immediately!" Liana orders despite the chaos I caused.

We take off and I insist we follow Erik's limousine. I don't think my father would try to harm my beloved—for some reason, I'm convinced he's not even remotely interested in anyone else besides me and underhanded practices are below him—but I'm still uneasy. I feel calmer only when we reach the mansion and are safely inside the shield dome.

"Ehm, I can see that something obviously happened?!" Erik is confused when I land in front of him the moment his car stops.

"My father happened," I say and hug him. I always feel safe with him.

"Your Majesty's father?!" Gavreel overhears us and panics. "How? When?"

"I got his telepathic message when we were leaving," I explain. "Gavreel, gather everyone in the throne room, we have much to discuss."


Within our expanded inner circle, it was no secret who my father is—the infamous magnate and the founder of Nebula, the company that developed Draconia Online. Still, not many Celestials made a connection between my telepathy and my family heritage. Most of my subjects seem to consider my telepathy to be something their Emperor is supposed to have, even though nothing of that sort is included in our lore.

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